DOOM/DOOM II/HERETIC Serial Driver
                              by John Ericson


JEESETUP  is  a  drop in replacement for DOOM, DOOM II, and HERETIC  serial
driver.  The driver supports the Hayes ESP2, 16550, and 8250.  I tested the
driver  with DOOM versions 1.2, 1.666,  DOOM II versions 1.666,  1.7a,  and
HERETIC 1.0 at baud rates from 9600 to 921600.  This driver's interface  is
written in "heads down" assembler and uses the Hayes ESP2 in enhanced mode.
This  eliminates  output and input interrupts (a few may  occur  from  line
noise  and  start  up overrun).  Thereby reducing the CPU requirements  and
increasing  data  throughput.  When playing one  on  one,  you  need  every
fraction  of a second you can get.  You get a faster CPU, local  bus  video
(to  increase  the  frames  per second), stereo sound  card  and  a  larger
monitor, just so you can have an "edge".


DOOM,  the  DOOM  logo and DOOM likenesses are trademarks of  id  Software,
DOOM  II,  the  DOOM  II  logo and DOOM likenesses  are  trademarks  of  id
Software, inc.,(c)1994-1995.
HERETIC developed by Raven Software, Inc. for id Software, inc., (c)1994.
HAYES is a trademark of Hayes Microcomputer Products, Inc.


Rename  the  existing SERSETUP.EXE in the same directory  as  DOOM.   Place
JEESETUP.EXE is the DOOM directory and rename to SERSETUP.EXE.  That's it.


     specifies the a file containing DOOM options and any of the following.
     DOS only lets you have 127 characters on a command line.

-COM1, -COM2, -COM3, -COM4
     specifies  which COM port your modem or serial cable is connected  to.
     COM1  and COM3 uses IRQ 4.  COM2 and COM4 uses IRQ 3.  Hayes ESP2 will
     be automatically detected and used in enhanced mode.

     specifies  a  nonstandard port address in  HEX  (3F8  is  COM1).   The
     default IRQ setting is 4.

-IRQ n
     specifies a nonstandard irq settings (3 through 15).

-9600, -14400, -19200, -28800, -38400, -57600, -115200
     specifies the baud rate.

     specifies to alter the baud rate to the speed indicated on the CONNECT
     message returned by the modem.  Set the baud rate in the MODEM.CFG  to
     the  highest  speed  of your modem.  Make sure the modem  returns  the
     connect  speed  (use  AT  command `X4' in the initialization  string).
     This is useful when you have a 28.8 modem and your friends have 9.6 or
     14.4 modems.

-espx n
     specifies the Hayes ESP2 baud rate multiplier (2,4,8).  Use  the  baud
     rate of 115200 and multiplier of 8 to achieve the baud rate of 921600.

     specifies to use hardware flow control (RTS/CTS).  Be sure to set your

     specifies to use 20ms delay between characters sent to the modem  when
     in command mode.

     specifies not to use the Hayes ESP2 in enhanced mode

     specifies not to use Hayes ESP2 or 16550 FIFO.

     specifies to use 16550 output FIFO only.

-dial n
     specifies the phone number to dial.

     specifies to use pulse dialing.

     specifies to answer incoming calls.

     specifies to use DOOM v1.2 serial negotiating.

     specifies  to  select  a  level a random.  In DOOM  the  episodes  are
     selected  a  random;   if  you have the shareware  version,  automatic
     selection of epiosodes 2 and 3 will not work.  The registered  version
     doesn't cost that much, go ahead and buy it.

     specifies to start negotiating as player one.

     specifies  that player zero delays starting for ten seconds.   Use  if
     player one locks up during game starting.

     specifies  that the driver is to checksum DOOM.EXE or DOOM2.EXE  using
     CRC32 and exchange it with the remote driver to verify to programs are
     the same version and unaltered.  Both players must use this option for
     this to work.


-dial *70,555-5555
-skill 4
-turbo 125
-maxdemo 2048
-record vs