04/26/96 20:22 
	DETH v3.92 editor for DOOM I, II, Ultimate DOOM, HERETIC, and STRIFE
			     including HETH v1.92 editor for HEXEN
	   	"The Editors of Choice for Discriminating PWAD Authors"

			  	Including ZenNode v0.98a:
			"Possibly the fastest DOOM(tm) BSP builder yet."

		  is now available at the following sites:

		and at
"Dr Sleep's DOOM Apothecary"

Also available is DETHUp.ZIP, which contains only the upated .INI and .EXEs.
Also, new and updated video drivers are now included with DETH!

[IMPORTANT NOTE! Be sure to create a separate DETH directory under DOOM2 and
especially to unzip DETH using the -d option:

pkunzip -d DETHxxx.ZIP c:\doom2\deth]

			**Changes since Version 3.91**
DETH/HETH 3.92 [23rd April 96]

Bugs removed

1. If you pressed escape while inputing an initial offset then funny numbers
   would be used.

2. Removed error that caused DETH to crash if adding the first sidedef of a 
   new (c)reated pwad.

3. Interactive Texture Alignment should not have been displayed on SideDef menu
   this was messing up the Search and Replace functions.

4. Suspended the writing of Pwads (to automatically load) to the ini files
   until I clean up this operation.


1. Can now use the keys 'F' and 'C' in the sector texture display area to copy
   Floor and Ceiling textures as you can wall textures.

2. When aligning textures with an initial offset, the current offset is set as
   default in the prompt.

3. Updated the Heretic config file to accept the new levels present in the 
   new update Heretic - Shadow of the Serpent Riders, the new levels are:
   E4M1 - E4M9, E5M1 - E5M9 and E6M1 - E6M3.

4. Stop producing the SLIM version, as nobody reported that this fixed the
   graphic and font problems, I suspect that it didn't anyway and that the
   new video drivers have actually resolved this.
   If anyone would like me to continue then drop me a message.

DETH/HETH 3.91 [3rd April 96]

Bugs removed

1. Things angle was being drawn wrong, an oversite in 3.90 :(


1. Cleaner scrolling, the mouse doesn't pickup on objects when scrolling now.
   resulting in un-interupted smoother scrolling.

2. Can now navigate the texture browsers with the cursor keys and enter to

3. Added a small delay in wall texture browser, when using the buttons to
   page up and page down.

[See CHANGES.TXT for a complete history of revisions.]


			**About DETH and HETH**

DETH (DOOM Editor for Total Headcases) is a GCC rewrite of DEU 5.21. for
use with DOOM I, DOOM II, DOOM SE (Ultimate DOOM) and HERETIC. It was written
by PWAD authors FOR PWAD authors, so it is with the needs of such in mind
that DETH has been configured.

Also included is HETH, the HEXEN editor! HETH offers full HEXEN editing
support, including scripts and polyobjects, thanks to the HEXEN-compatible
nodes building power of ZenNode, which is also included with DETH. Also
included is Descript by R.A. Coward, a nifty script decompiler.

DETH has a slightly darker interface that is easier on the eyes, but it has
the same DEU-commands that we have come to know and love. Full-featured,
no-nag freeware, with a user-configurable menu system, DETH is the editor
of choice for discriminating PWAD authors.


Here are just a few of the main features of DETH and HETH:

Edits DOOM I, II, Ultimate DOOM, and HERETIC and HEXEN (using heth.exe);
All data is in user-editable files (Things, LineDefs, Sectors and more);
	*This means you can now create your own menus, configure special
	 sector and LineDef colors;
Textures/Flats/Things displayed while editing;
Texture Browser;
Drop to DOS mode;
Change video modes while editing;
Texture-caching option for slower machines;
Elegant button bar;
PWAD Browser;
Doors shown in key colors (optional);
Auto-map style;
Improved Error Checking with "check all" function;
UNDO function;
HOT KEYS galore for quicker editing;
Rotate Things/Sprites with , and . keys;
Thing/Sprite indicators gussied up for easier viewing;
Vertices shown as small squares, making Zoom editing much easier;
Grid from 1 to 1024 pixels;
2 extra Zoom factors for those really tight places;
Automatic X and Y alignment of 2-sided LineDefs, including upper and lower
	textures; aligns both 1st and 2nd SideDef at the same time (read
	TEXTURES.TXT). This means no more barfing when you want to align
	a SideDef that has no Normal texture;
Flagged LineDefs show in differing user-configurable colors;
<F>ilter to show Things on map according to skill level and/or DeathMatch/
Much more!



In deference to Raphaƫl Quinet's request concerning the use of the DEU name,
the authors have chosen the name DETH for their editor, though it is based
on DEU GCC 5.21. Many thanks to Mssrs. Quinet and Wyber for their hard work,
generosity, and selfless contributions to the DOOM community!

DETH was written by Antony J.Burden and Simon Oke.
Technical support, beta testing, and publicity provided by Dr Sleep.



None, except: There have been reported difficulties with ATIMach64 cards
Since the problem is not consistent with all users of ATI video devices, this
may be a combination of the GCC video drivers in DETH and system
configurations. Thought it only fair to warn ATI users that conflicts are

Anyone previously having a problem with ATI cards should try out the new VESA
driver included with DETH and let me know if their problems are solved or persist.


E-mail questions and bug-reports to:

Antony J. Burden				antony@cis.compuserve.com
John W. Anderson (aka Dr Sleep) 		drsleep@pennet.com


Thanks for supporting DETH and HETH!

Dr Sleep