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|###### Áhâ hâ‚âÁãõ $hâúú
|###### õÌÎâ-·ù vâÔÌm
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''' '''

Version ?.?!
(no version)

Files Included:

H.EXE <======== Executable
H.TXT <======== Gee, I don't know
FILE_ID.DIZ <== Discription in ZIP (might be missing cuz i hate them)
Anything else <= Junk files added by BBS's!

Description: Small shell for Heretic. Like DM but cheaper, and freeware.

This program is pretty self explanatory.
Copy H.EXE to your Heretic directory.
Run H.EXE to start. Choose your options. Heretic runs.
H creates a file h_tmp$$$.bat but it'll be deleted.
Make sure you don't have a file like that in the current directory.

|The author specifically disclaim all   |
|warranties, expressed or implied.      |
|In no event shall the author be liable |
|for any damages either from the direct |
|use of this product or as a consequence|
|of the use of this product.            |

(For those of you who don't get that, if H screws anything up,
 it's not my fault. I didn't tell you to download this in the
 first place. You get what you paid for. But then again, if you
 actually paid for this, you got ripped off! This is freeware!!)
