This is a dehacked v1.3 patch file that I am posting for Matt Fell.  It
was originally posted by him to and
Send any complaints about improper uploading to  Send praise
about what a nifty patch it is to Matt Fell.  The original announcement on doom is below:


  This is an announcement of two patches that will drastically change
the doom environment. Both require the program Dehacked v1.3 (or higher
if higher versions can still read 1.3 patches) and DOOM registered v1.2.
When doom 1.5/1.6 comes out, I'll release patches for it.  
  By using the patch called ARMY1, you can fight an army of other players.
Ever wanted to deathmatch against more than 3? Say, 100? This is a
simulation of what it might be like - everywhere you go, there's green,
indigo, brown, and red space marines, and they're all trying to kill YOU!
  If you use the patch BARREL1, you may be surprised by some rather
unusual dancing leprechauns and flamingos (no, barrels, of course!).
  The goal of these patches is not just to show off one trick, but to 
provide a complete and consistent change for lots more fun. Breathe some 
life back into the game, some big surprises are waiting for you here!. 
Yes, that's what wads are for too, but this is different. Try it and
you'll see what I mean.
  After you patch DOOM.EXE with these, then start up DOOM with no
pwads. Play the original levels, but be prepared. ARMY is quite a bit
harder than normal doom; after all, you're fighting space marines,
the toughest guys around! Some of the levels, especially episode 3,
are very difficult to complete if you just warp there. It helps a lot
to be "bringing along" weapons and ammo from previous levels. Also,
after you see how tough it is, you might want to start saving your
game :-).


DH-ARMY.ZIP  (contains ARMY1.DEH and ARMY1.TXT)



perhaps infant2, soon, if a kind soul can upload them there.

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Matt Fell  (  Unofficial DOOM Spec Author