	DOOM and DOOM2		WOW!		Version 1.0

Title			: WOW!
Filename			: WOW!.ZIP
Files			: WOW!.WAD
Author			: Xavi
Email Address		: Titurel@hotmail.com

Description		: WOW! is a wad with no changes in the level maps, only the walls
			  are changed. I did it with Dmgraph, so I couldn't change the sprites.
			  Now I've got wintex I will be able to do this also (coming soon).
			  The pics are of naked girls but there are no sex scenes. It's
			  better to imagine them. Perhaps you know some of the girls.
			  You can contemplate and admire Pamela Anderson, Cady Cantrell,
			  Ann-Marie Goddard, Anna Nicole Smith, Donna d'Errico (only one
			  pic!), Patricia Ford, Jenny Mcarthy, Kimberly Paul, Stacy Sanches,
			  Erika Eleniak and many more!

			  I have changed the wall textures, so the ones with animations
			  are changed with animations too. Some are from mpg's and some
			  are made by myself.

			  WOW! works with doom and doom2. At least, I found no bugs
			  testing it in versions 1.9 and 1.666, respectively.


* Play information *

Single Player		: Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player	: Yes (see readme.txt for details)
Deathmatch 2-4 Player	: Yes (same as above, an advice: don't play against women, they
			  won't be interested in the walls, so will play with advantage)
Difficulty settings		: Yes
New sounds		: No
New Graphics		: Yes (Wow!)
New Sprites		: No (coming soon)
New Music		: No
Demos replaced		: No

* Construction *

Time			: A lot
Software used		: Dmgraph 1.1, Paint Shop Pro 3.11, Vmpeg 1.7
Known Bugs		: None (let's cross our fingers)

* Copyright / Permissions *

You may NOT distribute this wad to people who:
     -is offended by nudity or sexually oriented material. If you are also delete all these files
      and don't use this pwad
     -minors. If you are a minor you should not have these files, so delete them and go to bed.
      I understand that a minor is a person under 18 years old. You should be at least 18 to
      look at this.

This Pwad is freeware, but please don't distribute it under another name. and distribute it
also with the rest of archives listed above in "files". And don't make a couple of changes
to the wad and say it's "yours made". I've spend lots of hours in it.

The themes of the Pics don't mean that I agree with them, and that doesn't mean that I disagree
with them, so don't take conclusions.

If you are the Copyright owner of one of these photos, please Email me. I took them all from the
Internet freeware, but perhaps...

Deusf is a freeware program, please type "deusf" for more info.

Please refer to "readme.txt" to see how to install the pwad, and sorry for my English, but I am
from Barcelona.
