Archive Maintainer      : TY
Update to               : wa4.zip
Advanced engine needed  : Zdoom, Gzdoom
Primary purpose         : Single + Coop Play
Title                   : Wolfenshit Act 4: Es gab eine Act 3, aber sie saugt wirklich gehochladen zu werden (fixed version)
Filename                : WA4.WAD
Release date            : 
Author                  : Walter "Daimon" Confalonieri
Email Address           : ataruelamu@libero.it
Other Files By Author   : Try of a level of DooM
                          "anime music" and "a real rude one"
                          Demons just wanna have fun
                          Morbid Scream
                          Wolfeshit Saga T_T (wa1_dwb.zip, wa2.zip)
                          Requiem for Modplug.com
                          We are 183!
			  I'm not able to do deathmatch maps but i still made it
		          The Cacodemon Factory
			  Bleah saga (
			  Shades of gray
			  Hell Fucker Castle! (Heretic)
			  All i want is hate TNT
			  Pimpsted Guns
			  Chip 512
			  Gamarra DM (my first and only gamarra tribute map...)
			  Suicide Episode 1 (presented only in DW Forums)
			  Rabbit Doom
			  Knee Deep in your fears

Misc. Author Info       : A italian dude 23 years old which playing at this amazing game to the age of 10 (really!), my other favourite games is Max Payne, N4SU2 (Need for Speed Underground 2), Half Life, Hentai and Bishoujo games (my favouite is the "Viper" series!) and retrogaming. My other Interest is draw (a little bit), read italian and japanese comics, watch japanese anime, and the japanese culture in general. One of theese day i'll turning japanese ^0^ ^0^

Description             : Don't download this one. I noticed you. Our, if you don't want to hear me, play at your own risk.
			  Aniway,this is the fabolous 4th chapter of the Wolfenshit Saga... play and you see teh best (our 			  	  worst?) of jokewads, like x-rated content, delirant scripts, bad taste humor sketches and many 			          more...

Additional Credits to   : ID, for the fancy game!
                          My Family
			  My insanity
			  The grrls in map43
			  The monster reource wad (plasma zomie)
			  The bosses resources wad (Hammerhound)
			  <enter in lazy mode> all the other people i forgot to mentioned there... <\enter in lazy mode>
* What is included *

New levels              : 15!
Sounds                  : Yes
Music                   : Yes
Graphics                : Yes
Dehacked/BEX Patch      : Yes
Demos                   : No
Other                   : MAPINFO
Other files required    : No

* Play Information *

Game                    : DOOM2
Map #                   : MAP01 + MAP33/MAP39 (normal) + MAP40/MAP45 (secret) + SECRET (supresecret)
Single Player           : Obviously
Cooperative 2-4 Player  : Yes, and more than 2-4 players....
Deathmatch 2-4 Player   : noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..... no
Other game styles       : no
Difficulty Settings     : no

* Construction *

Base                    : New from scratch... Really not, base is wa2_1.wad
Build Time              : one time can your mind will never think...
Editor(s) used          : wintex 4.3 and XWE for graphic and music works
			  Doombuilder for maps
			  Paint for editing the titlepic and various thing like enemies and more...
Known Bugs              : jokewad. i said all.
May Not Run With...     : microwave
Tested Whit		: Zdoom 2.1.0, Gzdoom 1.0.9, Skulltag 0.96f

* Copyright / Permissions *

Authors may NOT use the contents of this file as a base for
modification or reuse.  Permissions have been obtained from original 
authors for any of their resources modified or included in this file.

You MAY distribute this file, provided you include this text file, with
NO modifications.  You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file 
intact.  I have received permission from the original authors of any
modified or included content in this file to allow further distribution.

* Where to get the file that this text file describes *

The Usual: ftp://archives.3dgamers.com/pub/idgames/ and mirrors
Web sites: http://yokocartoonz.hentai.com/animeatlab/wadz1337 (fake)
FTP sites: ftp://squaraus.it/bar/semgaid and mirrors (fake)

* Levels description *

MAP01: The Cong64 Introduction!

Music: speed version of "The demon's from Adrian penis" our somenthing similar....

really needs a description?

MAP33: das (ro)boot

Music: the das boot ultracombat rmx our wtf

fight the giant robot of germany. omg.

MAP34: Wolfenshit Kastla

Music: spooky

welcome on castle of wolfenshit! have fun...

MAP35: u r

Music: D_OPENIN (intro) blasting nazi whit funky (level)


MAP36: Detail is fùr verleirer

Music: E3M8 music

A room a spider bfg cells and one limit point. If you cross the limit you die.

MAP37: OMG This is teh shit

Music: ready? ragtime midi (intro), teh deathz0r e1m3 rmx, spooky amd E3M8 music (level)

the decent one (??????)

MAP38: The world-famous german forest

Music: Exploring the Funhouse, "download free mobile tunes at 100 €" theme and benny hill theme

Make a trip into the german forest. Beware at wolves!

MAP39: Adolf's Toilet

Music: Exploring the Funhouse (intro) classical music (toilet scene) chuck norris fansite homepage theme (columbine)

Final normal map. Kill mr hitl3r.

MAP40: The Benito Mussolini Show

Music: benny hiil theme

First secret map.

MAP41: Meet the Hirohitoes

Music: The japanese TV Show Daitarn III opening theme, maybe you're heard this one done from the Animetal...

Second secret map.

MAP42: You read map42 but it's only a allucination

Music: various musics from doom

Third secret map.

MAP43: Return to wolfenshit base

Music: MAP31 music

Fourth secret map.

MAP44: G3rman Pr0n

Music: music from pr0n

Fifth secret map. OMG

MAP45: Face Your Fears

Music: Somenthing from the japanese anime Creamy Mami (intro) a progressive house midi from dum2sper our wtf (level) chuck        norris fansite theme (Boss Music) one midi i've got from a map full of arch-viles (killing boss)

Last secret map. Time to face the final boss!

SECRET: Secret Room

Music: ....

The secret room in map45.

Other stuff:

Ending Music: Blasting nazi whit funky
Ending Graphics: Regular Ending Graphic

Title Music: wolfenshit theme
Title Graphics: you really want to known it?

End of all Music: uff... MAP31 music
Enf of all Graphics: Smiley marine \w Adolf's Bad-Reendeered head

Message Music: a beatiful midi
Secret level message Music: Skanking Skared whit Ska Imps of Ska