This wad is a WolfenDOOM scenario for DOOM II; in other
words, a Wolf3D TC. Astrostein 3 is the final installment
in the Astrostein trilogy and includes:

13 meticulously detailed levels;
More enemies;
More weapons;
Destructible lamps, security cameras and plasma conduits; 
Many ambient sounds;
A few easter eggs.


Title: Astrostein 3
Filename: ASTRO3.WAD
Author: Laz Rojas
Email Address:, 
Misc. Author Info: web site at
Description: 13-level WolfenDOOM adventure, featuring new
enemies, graphics and ambient sounds. Created on a

Files included:

ASTRO3.DEH -- patch file
DOOMinator v2.0 -- for applying the patch file
DOOM II 1.0.3 Updater -- for updating the DOOM II
application before using the DOOMinator

Additional Credits to: The guys at id, for creating both
Doom and Wolfenstein.  Also Blake Zuckerman, for installing
some of the flats. 

*Play Information*

Game: Doom II
Level #: MAP10-MAP21, MAP31
Single Player: Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player: No
Deathmatch 2-4 Player: No
Difficulty Settings: Not at this time.
New Sounds: Yes
New Graphics: Yes
New Music: No
Demos Replaced: None


Base: New levels from scratch
Build Time: Three months, on and off
Editor(s) Used: HellMaker, Demon, Deimos, MacBSP, Inkworks,
Known Bugs: None. 


The final installment in the Astrostein trilogy.  Your
stolen cargo ship out of fuel, you arrive at Spaceport One
in earth orbit --  and so begins an epic adventure that
takes you from the spaceport to a military airfield in
Germany; through the streets of downtown Berlin, the Berlin
subway system, and the offices and corridors of various
government buildings; to Nazi Central Command; and finally
to a secret fortress in the Bavarian Alps for a final
confrontation with the cyborg Hitler who still rules
Germany and all of earth.  If you manage to survive, you
might succeed not only in bringing an end to the 100-year
Reich, but return to your own time and destroy the time
portal you failed to destroy before and prevent the Nazis
from ever using it.  But here on their home turf, the Nazis
aren't about to play games with someone who's already
slipped through their fingers twice.


Authors may not use this level as a base to build
additional levels.

You may distribute this WAD as long as this read me is

*Where to get this WAD*
FTP Sites:
BBS Numbers: