This PWAD file is a model of Purdue University's Engineering campus.
It was created by Scott Schuricht using DEU 5.0 and BSP 1.1x and took up
way too much of my time, but hey, is there anything more important than
DOOM :-)

As far as I can tell there are no bugs in this that are my fault. The one
MAJOR problem is the 2 sided linedef limit. Out in the central courtyard
I went over the limit (apparantly way over :-) and in you look straight 
through that area you get HOM effects, but as you walk through towards
the other sides it goes away (it DOES NOT happen inside any buildings).

I could have tried to fix this (I actually did but nedded to remove too
much!) but it is only a minor annoyance. I have placed certain goodies
around to help you through this :-)

Anyway, enjoy this and if you find any problems or have any comments just
email them to

I will fix any problems that come up. I would also like comments on the
textures/difficulty/easiness/... that anyone cares to express. 

Oh yeah, This replaces E-2-1 in DOOM. Happy DOOMing :-)

Scott Schuricht
Mechanical Engineering Dept.
Purdue University