Subject:  DOOM2: Tab21 Level

Author:  Michael Contorno

File:  TAB21.WAD (130025 bytes) 

Quality: Above Average
Size: Large
Difficulty: Hard

21st in the Tab series, this level has eclectic texture use, borrowing from a
stone and mortar theme to a modern plastic and steel appearance.  This
creates for some nicely designed structures that look very bizzare when
placed next to each other.  Still keeps up the Tab quality of Doom2 wads

-- Summary of the level --
Levels Replaced: 01 of Doom2
Single Player: Yes
Coop 2-4 Player: n/a
Deathmatch: n/a
New Sounds: No
New Graphics: No
New Music: No
Demos: None

To play the new level, copy or unzip the file(s) to your DOOM2 directory &

doom2 -file TAB21.WAD

When DOOM2 starts, begin a new game, with a difficulty setting of your
choice, and you will be in the new level.