Title                   : STARWARS DOOM2.
Filename                : Storm.WAD 
Authors Name            : Neil Bowman (aka. Loopey/WED-9-M1)
	Thanks to you others that I can't remember. If I haven't 
credited you for what you have done, I'm sorry but you know
who you are and you really do deserve a huge amount of credit for it 

Description             : STAR WARS DOOM!!! These are Star Wars sounds
                          and music and sprites to replace just about 

Additional Credits to   : The guys at ID
                          Lucasfilm LTD
                          West End Games
                          Makers of DeuTEX and WinTEX, DEHACKED. 

Note:                   This is a complete starwars release, with 
			all the available sounds, sprites, musics,
			and graphic patches.

Distribution note:
			Lucas Film is the owner of all copyrights on
			Starwars, and these copyrights are hereby 
			acknowledged. This is only fan fiction, not an
			attempt to breach any such copyright.

			They would contain DOOM copyrighted data.
			type RESTORE first.

Files in this patch

        SWTCPAT  DEH     Dehacked data file.   
		STORM    WAD     All graphics, sounds, and sprites.
        SWTCTXT  TXT     This file.
        FILE_ID  DIZ     INFO File

This was compiled from the many different patches. Some were Dark 
Forces and others were from the Star Wars theme directory. I don't
know the names of all the graphics I used.


* Play Information *

Doom Version            : DOOM 2 
Episode and Level #     : none
Single Player           : none
Cooperative 2-4 Player  : none
Deathmatch 2-4 Player   : none
Difficulty Settings     : none
New Graphics            : YES!
New Sounds              : Yes
New Music               : Yes
Demos Replaced          : None

Star Wars graphics patch changes:
			-almost every sprite!! visit the web site at 

* Construction *

Base                    : many numerous graphics patches

Editor(s) used          : DEUTEX 3.6, WinTEX, Dehacked

Known Bugs              : Not really many but if you find some 
			  e-mail me at wed-9-m1@mailexcite.com

* Copyright / Permissions *

Authors may use this level as a base to build additional

You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications.  You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file 

If want you put it on CD you MUST mail each of the authors and send 
them a free copy of the CD

* Where to get this WAD *

FTP sites:  ftp.cdrom.com