Hell Revealed UV lmp collection ------------------------------- Recorded by Daniel Lindgren, Kai-Uwe Humpert, Peo Sjoblom and Yonatan Donner. This is a collection of recorded demos (lmps) for all 32 levels of Hell Revealed. All lmps were recorded on skill 4 (Ultra-Violence), ending with at least 100% kills and 100% secrets. To playback these demos, put them in your doom2 directory and type: doom2 -file hr.wad -playdemo hr??-uv ?? is the level number. The Hell Revealed files are available from: ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/idgames/themes/hr/ And the Hell Revealed homepage is: http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/4704/ Here is a quick table listing all lmps - detailed descriptions come later. Level Level Name Recorded by Time ----- ---------- ----------- ----- 01 Into the Gate Yonatan Donner 02:50 02 Gateway Lab Yonatan Donner 03:24 03 The Dumpster Yonatan Donner 03:36 04 The Garden Terminal Yonatan Donner 02:17 05 Core Infection Yonatan Donner 07:07 06 The Round Crossroads Yonatan Donner 07:57 07 Arachnophobia Yonatan Donner 05:53 08 The Jail Yonatan Donner 09:08 09 Knockout Yonatan Donner 23:37 10 Chambers of War Yonatan Donner 08:16 11 Underground Base Peo Sjoblom 33:45 12 Great Halls of Fire Peo Sjoblom 10:15 13 Last Look at Eden Peo Sjoblom 34:46 14 City in the Clouds Peo Sjoblom 39:39 15 Gates to Hell Yonatan Donner 30:34 16 The Path Yonatan Donner 27:51 17 The Black Towers Peo Sjoblom 28:01 18 Hard Attack Peo Sjoblom 41:44 19 Everything Dies Yonatan Donner 04:15 20 Judgement Day Peo Sjoblom 27:11 21 Siege Yonatan Donner 26:28 22 Resistance is Futile Daniel Lindgren 14:09 23 Ascending to the Stars Peo Sjoblom 34:36 24 Post Mortem Kai-Uwe Humpert 18:50 25 Dead Progressive Kai-Uwe Humpert 05:00 26 Afterlife Kai-Uwe Humpert 45:02 27 Cyberpunk Yonatan Donner 23:18 28 Top Hell Yonatan Donner 13:19 29 Temple of Fear Peo Sjoblom 15:40 30 Hell Revealed Yonatan Donner 01:02 31 The Descent Yonatan Donner 17:20 32 Mostly Harmful Yonatan Donner 07:42 Descriptions ------------ The descriptions were written by the team member who recorded the map. HR-01 - Into the Gate --------------------- I let some monsters fight each other and punched some demons and ended up having lots of ammo. Something is hidden in this level, which is not revealed in the infopack and not counted as a secret, so I don't show it here... see if you can find it! HR-02 - Gateway Lab ------------------- One of my earliest levels, I still like it. There are no difficult areas. HR-03 - The Dumpster -------------------- Another of my earliest levels. Very easy. In coop it's possible to take the yellow key early. HR-04 - The Garden Terminal --------------------------- My part of the map is the garden (the start of the level), Haggay's part is The Terminal (the area after you teleport). It's very easy. HR-05 - Core Infection ---------------------- Some people think it's too complex, I find it very simple though. I take the plasmagun here in the easiest way, thanks to John Keniry for the idea. I designed it to be taken in another way, but this is easier. HR-06 - The Round Crossroads ---------------------------- Another of the early creations, easy. HR-07 - Arachnophobia --------------------- The first tough map in Hell Revealed, this is an old map by Haggay (edited by me) which was made more difficult. No need to hide from the spiderdemon, his aiming is very bad :) HR-08 - The Jail ---------------- Haggay's earliest map. The bodies can block the way, and if you want to save ammo, you can crush barons. HR-09 - Knockout ---------------- This is very tough. There is hardly any ammo, so punching is necessary. My punching here is ok. The most critical area is the 128 imps fight. (Yes, there are 128 imps teleporting after you take the yellow key. Don't believe me? Count them.) Try to do it in full Tyson style! HR-10 - Chambers of War ----------------------- Another early level of Haggay, I like it, especially the outside area with the hedgemaze. Quite easy. HR-11 - Underground Base ------------------------ A pretty straight forward map that probably looks harder than it is. There are plenty of areas with natural shields and the 3 Cyberdemons and the Spiderboss are not that difficult. The most difficult monsters are probably the Archviles. My favourite part is the wooden towers with the lifts in the first Cybie area, beautifully designed. The only tip I can give is to use the Cyberdemon as an extra weapon in the bfg room.. HR-12 - Great Halls of Fire --------------------------- This map is the easiest of the maps I recorded and most maps after this are pure hell. Things can still go wrong, especially in the room with some Barons/Hellknights and Archviles. There is only one 100% armor and one soulsphere so conserve your health. I really like the part where (I think there are 9) some Barons come out from the marble walls one after another and you only have the time for maximum 4 ssg shots before getting attacked by the next.. HR-13 - Last Look at Eden ------------------------- The first real hard map I did from HR. It kept me busy for a long time until I managed to record it in 56 minutes something. This is about 20 minutes faster than my first lmp. The best way to to finish the first room is to open the door, avoid the revenants and let the Archvile in, then try to make the other monsters kill him. The second room is fairly easy if you not rush it, don´t try to run for the supershotgun, it is no idea without any armor. Next real hard part is the blue key that is in a cage that will lock you in for 30 seconds while a bunch of monsters are released. Try to get the Chaingunners killed first, then the Revenants since they are the most dangerous in the situation you are in. When the door unlocks and you still have a fair amount of health left there are no problems. The end is pretty easy, the Cyberdemon will kill the Archvile and you will kill the Cyberdemon. HR-14 - City in the Clouds -------------------------- Wonderful map to play but oh so hard. It has some very nasty Cyberdemons in close combat and a vicious yellow key trap. The design is lovely. Some tips: Make the first Cyberdemon busy by fighting other monsters, on this lmp he actually gets killed by them, mainly from the Arachnotrons I believe since they are very effective monster killers. I have only made this map twice in many tries, so I recommend an easy difficulty setting unless you are very skilled. Some parts of this lmp aren´t probably exciting to watch but they are needed for survival. You should really try to create monsterfights because there are many willing combatants. It has a very hard jump which takes a near perfect strafe run or a strafe on run to make, plus you have to stop right away when you have reached the first ledge, it took me over a minute of trying in this lmp. Fastest way of making this map would probably be to create some disturbance in the midarea, take the invulnerability and get the rocketlauncher, jump to the blue key and get an archvile hit that throws you back on the ground, that will of course mean that you will face a Cyberdemon without protection in a tiny room. It is possible but I chose the safer way.. HR-15 - Gates to Hell --------------------- This is the first lmp of a hard level which I recorded with the mouse, I switched from keyboard control shortly before it. So forgive me for any bad playing, aiming, maneuvering and all the other stuff. I let one cyberdemon kill many of the imps, because killing them myself takes a lot of time and ammo. I leave through the secret exit. HR-16 - The Path ---------------- I used to find it very hard, but with the radiation suits it's not too bad. The amount of rockets I fire in my own face is probably a world record :) HR-17 - The Black Towers ------------------------ Probably the the third easiest of the episode 2 maps (10-20). The beginning can be a bit chaotic with only a rocketlauncher against tons of Barons but I try to get the ssg as soon as possible (I just love that weapon). The hardest part is probably the blue key house. The Cyberdemons can be tricked to stay at the door of the start area and can thus be easily dealt with.. The only tip I can come up with is to spare the Sergeant that stands close to the Spiderboss downstairs in the yellow key area, since he locks the spider, so first kill the spider and then the soldier.. HR-18 - Hard Attack ------------------- This map has 143 Revenants! That will tell you a bit about the difficulty. I have 2 favourite areas, first the megasphere area with some beautiful effects in the darkness, check it yourself, it is close to the start! Then the large area with 2 Spiderbosses, beautiful, it is not very easy to get that far though! The tip is just to try to stay alive ;-). Oh yes, it has a pretty scary start if standing next to a Cyberdemon is scary. HR-19 - Everything Dies ----------------------- Since the only health and ammo are in the start, you might think that careful playing is necessary. But it's not, this lmp is the proof. BTW, the end was meant to create an "end of the world" feel, I hope it works :) HR-20 - Judgement Day --------------------- Pretty hard map with some typical Yonatan traps, like an angry Archvile that appears when you take the rocketlauncher. This map is also made for creating monsterfights. The Cyberdemons are hard here and it doesn´t feel safe until the exit area, which has the neccessary space to control the game. It has a nice invisible bridge just before an Archvile trap. HR-21 - Siege ------------- The start is easy, but the end, which is one of my favorite areas ever, is very hard. If Haggay had put some more cells there, I wouldn't have hidden so much while fighting the cyberdemons. But as it is, the end is very boring. HR-22 - Resistance is Futile ---------------------------- Thanks for a VERY good wad Yonatan, this is extacly the kind of wads I like.. Took me some hours to make this one, once you've learned the level and found a good route it's a lot easier though.. My first complete 100/100 recording was at 42 min... However, I thought it was kind of slow so... I made it again.. faster. I think one should save the plasma for the Cyberdemons, mainly because they can take almost 50 rockets and it's quite dangerous to use rockets only (sooner or later you make a mistake when using rockets).. Compared to level 32 Plutonia and Punisher.wad I think it has the same "can't-stop-playing-this-level" feeling.. I don't know if it's harder but it's still very hard if you don't know extacly what to do.. Personally I think this is the most enjoyable wad of the ones you've made Yonatan, it's maybe not the hardest but it's easily the one that is the most fun to play.. HR-23 - Ascending to the Stars ------------------------------ Ascending to the grave would be a better name for me ;-) I have died in every possible way and place on this map. It is such a hard map but also one of the most beautifully designed maps I have seen. I have made it twice in many, many tries (cannot count them all). The only trick is to be agile and to take a lap in the red key area to snap the key and teleport out of there again, then some Cyberdemons might get killed by all that autoplasma. 3 very nasty traps are the Chaingunner lift, the lift to the radioactive room and the lift to the Cyberdemons/pigs room a. Just try to survive.. The end looks awesome but is not that difficult if you time it right (Open the door, fire 2/3 rockets and teleport away, repeat).. Goodluck! HR-24 - Post Mortem ------------------- Hope I missed no monster, I've checked with IDDT, some Lost Souls out of the map was all I've seen. Had some luck at the red door, but this way is best :) Have the Cyberdemon fire at the Mancubus make meanwhile a 2 BFG kill. Sometimes I killed the teleporting Spiderboss with only one shot, maybe 1 out of 4. The time improve-ment is caused by the better handling of the Pain Elementals and the (long lasting) internal fight Archviles vs Cyberdemon on the bridge. And of course the monster-mix near the exit. I tried to have the arachnotrons there too, but it was nearly impossible to clean out the red key area then. I wonder who killed the second Spiderboss there. So, think it's a nice map, but I'll stop now playing it. Dunno if this time will ever be improved, since I am still the only player for it ... I hope that changes. Everything less than 30:00 is really good here. HR-25 - Dead Progressive ------------------------ Not that I don't care for Revenant missiles anymore, but have a friendly Cyberdemon at one of the Imp teleport exits. As I checked with iddt I realized that the second Cyberdemon was very close as I decided to step onto the Supercharge. It was the first time I released the Cybies to this side, because they didn't spend many rockets if they were on the other one. I don't know if something still can be improved here, I doubt it (but maybe Yonatan has got another idea?). I like the time. HR-26 - Afterlife ----------------- Spent the last 3 days for that map, because I knew it isn't that difficult. But sometimes I can't wait and catch rockets, get ghost in the blue/black rift, or die with 4 Supercharges left at the 4th teleporter in the green area. Or simply the last ghosts won't come, because I missed a line. A few times it happened that I got both backpack and SSG alive, without teleporting to the chessboard, so I could run for the rifts first. I succeed to take the backpack in one tenth that safe, I survive another half. It's important to move away from the door a short time after you've opened it, the Archies would else immediately attack you and prevent you from taking the backpack. And, at last, I got a perfect attempt with the ghost at the end, shot rockets like here, retired, and teleported, hurt myself to 60% health, and did that again and died. Man, I can't tell you how frustrating that was. I thought of keeping a Cyberdemon to have some rockets for the ghost if the boxes were not enough, but there is really a lot of ammo. Okay, NOW I'll never play that map again. HR-27 - Cyberpunk ----------------- Haggay's latest level. An easy start if you use the radiation suits, but the labyrinth can be very hard. I tried several times to kill the cyberdemons closely and kept dying, this lmp is the result. Tons of hiding and SSG usage from far range in there, it must be one of the most boring lmps ever. But an additional megasphere would have really helped me - I told Haggay that, but he didn't listen :) HR-28 - Top Hell ---------------- My favorite of Haggay's maps. This underground city looks hard but it isn't, see how much health I leave behind. I think my way of killing the cybies is the easiest (and no cells are wasted if it's done right). HR-29 - Temple of Fear ---------------------- This is probably the easiest of the last 10 maps together with map 25. It has a very nice design. The start is quite hard though and you need some luck with the Archviles. The rest is very enjoyable if not that hard. HR-30 - Hell Revealed --------------------- I heard people saying this it too tough. But the key here is speed - destroy the megademon quickly, or you will stand no chance. I let the revenants hit the cyberdemon so he'll be occupied. 100% kills doesn't mean a lot here, but I got it anyway. HR-31 - The Descent ------------------- Yes, there is a trick to avoid fighting in the lift. But I didn't use it. This is the way to do this level, fight it out in there. The ammo in the start is essential if you start from scratch. It's easy to die because there's no armor, but I wanted it to be hard. I leave through the secret exit (jumping on the columns isn't easy). HR-32 - Mostly Harmful ---------------------- This is an extremely tough level, also the one in which I implemented the most tricks (the bridges you can go both above and under, the arches, the exit, the HOM-blocker). The most violent level in Hell Revealed. I died a lot here, but still enjoyed playing it, because there is action all the time, so many explosions and attacks all around me. Here also 100% kills doesn't mean much, but here also I got it anyway. ***** That's it - enjoy the lmps! Kai-Uwe Humpert <gazelle@cs.tu-berlin.de> Daniel Lindgren <akllin95@student.umu.se> Peo Sjoblom <peo.sjoblom@mbox300.swipnet.se> Yonatan Donner <ruthd@post.tau.ac.il> [Text file based on fduvdemo.txt]