Note by the uploader    : The HACX Add-On has changed it's distribution
                          restrictions. The information in the file
                          LEGAL-R.TXT within hacx1_1s.zip is outdated. What
                          currently counts can you read in the 'Copyright'
                          -section of this text-file.
Primary purpose         : Single+Coop play / Deathmatch
Title                   : Hacx - The Full Version (v1.1)
                          HACX (tm) - Registered Version
                          (Installation package)
Filename                : INSTALL.EXE and install data files, required to 
                          build HACX.WAD etc.
Release date            : 1997 commercial release,
                          changed 2000 into freeware
Author                  : Banjo Software

Official Homepage       : http://www.sonic.net/~nostromo/

Description             : HACX is an action filled add-on for DooM II.
                          The story is set in the near future and you will
                          find yourself engrossed in a international
                          blastfest. Combating weapons of mass destruction!
                          This package (hacx1_1s.zip) uses a DOS 
                          installation procedure. Users of operating 
                          systems, that are not DOS -compatible, for 
                          example Mac or Linux, should first give the files
                          -only package (hx11pack.zip) a try.                          

* What is included *

New levels              : 21
Sounds                  : Yes
Music                   : Yes
Graphics                : Yes
Dehacked/BEX Patch      : Yes (HACX.DEH and HACX_F.DEH, see below)
Demos                   : Yes

Note                    : HACX was originally a commercial add-on for 
                          DooM II, that has been later changed into 
                          The freeware HACX has been published within
                          hacx1_1s.zip (the release with DOS-installation) 
                          and also within hx11pack.zip (files only without 
                          installation routine). The game executable 
                          DHACX.EXE in the files only release is for some 
                          reason different from that one, that results from
                          the installation of the files from hacx1_1s.zip. 
                          That difference makes recorded demos incompatible
                          with demos, that have been recorded with the game
                          executable from the other package and vice versa.
                          Read the file descriptions below for a solution.

Files Included          : # Official original files in the package 
                                                             HACX1_1S.ZIP #
                          HACX.1 thru HACX.9 and HACX.DAT - These are data
                                     containers, that carry the 
                                     installation data (the game files).
                          INSTALL.EXE - The installation program
                          LEGAL_R.TXT - Limited Use Software License 
                          READMER.TXT - This file
                          The last two textfiles contain newer info than 
                          those of that names, that will be created during 
                          the installation in your DooM II -directory. 
                          However, even these are a little bit out of date.
                          The latest legal/distribution rights info can be 
                          found in the 'copyright'-section of hacx1_1s.txt,
                          that you are currently reading.
                          HACX.DEH - A dehacked patch, that contains the
                                     differences between the DHACX.EXE, 
                                     that is created by this installation 
                                     package (hacx1_1s.zip) and a
                                     normal doom(2).exe v. 1.9.
                                     If you want to play HACX with a 
                                     doom-source-port, you have to use this
                                     deh-file in the -deh parameter, in 
                                     order to play the game in the intended
                                     Users of source ports, that can 
                                     playback vanilla-demos, should use 
                                     this HACX.DEH in the -deh -parameter 
                                     in order to watch either the internal
                                     demos of HACX.WAD or user-recorded
                                     demo-lmps, recorded with the DHACX.EXE
                                     from the installation-version. Users 
                                     of vanilla-compatible operating 
                                     systems can of course also use that 
                                     DHACX.EXE ;).

                          # HACX files, that will be found in the DooM II 
                               -directory after the installation of HACX. #
                          DHSERSET.EXE - Multiplayer Setup
                          EDITING.TXT - Basic statistics and information
                                     for add-on designers
                          HACX.BIN, .DAT, .EXE, .WAD - Game files and
                          LEGAL_R.TXT - Limited Use Software License
                                     Agreement [Not up-to-date: See the
                                     section 'Copyright / Permissions' in
                                     this template.]
                          READMEP.TXT - All the information about this
                          DHACX.EXE - The source executable
                                     You can run this from the command line
                                     by using the following command:
                                     dhacx -file hacx.wad
                                     DHACX.EXE takes the same parameters as
                                     the normal doom2 executable.
                                     Because this is for some reason not
                                     identical with the DHACX.EXE from the
                                     files only package, it cannot
                                     correctly playback demos, that have
                                     been recorded with that version.
                          # Files that are added in this /idgames -upload #
                          HACX_F.DEH (along with hacx_f.txt) - dehacked
                                      patch, extracted by Grazza from the
                                      dhacx.exe in the files-only package.
                                      If a user of a non-vanilla compatible
                                      operating system wishes to watch
                                      demo-lmps, that have been recorded
                                      with the files-only distribution of
                                      HACX, he has to run them with a
                                      source-port, that is able to playback
                                      vanilla demos, with this dehacked
                                      patch in the -deh parameter.
                          hacx1_1s.txt - This template. Contains amoung
                                      other info the latest legal info.

* Play Information *

Game                    : DOOM2
Map #                   : MAP01 - MAP20 and MAP31
Single Player           : Designed for
Cooperative 2-4 Player  : Designed for
Deathmatch 2-4 Player   : Designed for
Other game styles       : No
Difficulty Settings     : Yes

* Construction *

Base                    : New from scratch

* Copyright / Permissions *

This Add-On is made possible by a license agreement between Banjo
Software, Inc. and Id Software, Inc.

Neither Banjo Software, Inc., nor the game HACX (tm), are
affiliated with Id Software, Inc. and will not be supported by
Id Software, Inc.

"HACX (tm)" is a trademark of Banjo Software, Inc.
"HACX (tm)" and all material in "HACX (tm)" are copyrighted, 1995-97 by
Banjo Software, Inc.

"DOOM II (tm)" and "DOOM (R)" are registered trademarks of Id Software,
"DOOM II (tm)" and all material in "DOOM II (tm)" are copyrighted, 1994 by
Id Software, Inc.

Unlike what 'LEGAL-R.TXT' says, HAXC is permitted to be distributed by
anybody, who wishes to distribute it. This is, what has been published on
the officicial HACX-website at: http://www.drnostromo.com/hacx/GetHacx.html
Now for the Terms & Conditions

Hacx can now be distributed freely by any site that wishes to host it.
Also, any site that wishes to create a distribution area for files, mods,
bug fixes, etc., please, feel free to do so.  I'll be glad to link you.
Hacx is now a royalty free item. This means that Hacx may NOT be used to
generate income of any kind nor can it be used to promote any activity that
would generate income.

* Where to get the file that this text file describes *

The Usual: ftp://archives.3dgamers.com/pub/idgames/
           and mirrors:

Submitted to the /idgames-ftp-archives by FunDuke --> funduke@hotmail.com