Title         : The TARDIS 
Filename      : tardis.zip
Author        : Andrew Brockhouse

Email Address : brockhoa@ozemail.com.au

Description   : Deathmatch WAD set in the TARDIS


* Play Information *

Level #                 : 1
Single Player           : Yes, but not very exciting
Cooperative 2-4 Player  : Yes, but there's not much to do...
Deathmatch 2-4 Player   : Of course!
Difficulty Settings     : NA
New Sounds              : No, use my other Dr WHO SFX.WAD
New Graphics            : Yes, plus use my other Dr WHO GFX.WAD
New Music               : No, use my other Dr WHO MUS.WAD
New Demos               : Yes, just one

* Construction *

Base                    : The Doctor's TARDIS 
Editor(s) used          : NWT, Deutex, Deusf, Dehacked,
                          Neopaint (for the graphics)
Known Bugs              : A few HOM effects in the odd 2 or 7 places.
                          (I think its because of the limitations of DOOM2)
Tested with             : DOOM2 v1.666

* Where to get this WAD *

ftp.cdrom.com (and mirrors)

* PS *

Pkunzip the .ZIP file into a directory called TARDIS in your DOOM2 directory