Aliens Doom 3:  Aliens vs Predator
Beta version 0.7
For Doom I or Ultimate Doom only (all versions)
NOT for Doom ][ (yet)
filename ad3beta7
by Michael Gummelt

Greetings beta testers, and welcome to the second beta release
of Aliens Doom 3.  There are 4 main reasons I have released a
second beta:
1.  The first one had several installation problems.  This one may
	(or may not) fix that.  If there are still problems with
	this version, please let me know.
2.  The first one was unneccessarily huge.  It was 5 MB, this one
	is 3.6, and it has MORE.  I am also uploading 3 floppy-size
	.zip files that can be copied directly to disk and unzipped
	(you will need to rename them all after copying
	them to floppy, see the file ad3b7f_x.txt for full
3.  There were some really nasty bugs in the first one that I have
	fixed.  This one still has bugs, but not as many.
4.  People have been driving me nuts asking for a new beta, and I
	want to start generating some excitement about the project
	since I will soon be done with the graphics and will be
	needing level builders big-time!

For specific information, read the file ad3desc.txt.

Aliens Doom 3 is the most ambitious Doom conversion ever, the MOST
Total Conversion ever attempted.  Here are just some of the features
that the final version will have.  Features with an asterix next to
them are at least partially included in this beta:

*1.  All-new monsters!  Not just two or three kinds of Aliens and a
	few Doom human leftovers running around, this game has
	over 20 variations of interactive beings- Including Aliens
	of all shapes, sizes and colors (spitters, soldiers, facehuggers,
	eggs, egglayers, etc), helper marines (with voice samples
	from the movie "Aliens") and enemy marines (never trust
	the company!)
 2.  Your choice of which marine to play!  Ripley, Hudson, Hicks,
	Vasquez, or even the Doom Marine (he's been in suspended
	animation and joins the team!)  Each marine has their own
	personality, look, weight, speed, hitpoints, and even
	different starting weapons!
*3.  A plethora of cool non-Doom textures (this is still growing
	and will continue to do so as new levels are made).
*4.  All-new sound effects!  Almost every sound effect has been
*5.  All-new weapons!  Double pistols, flame thower, smart gun,
	grenade launcher, mine layer, etc! (But still have that
	trusty old double barrel shotgun for close encounters!)
*6.  New music! (Some you may have heard before, some not).

And a Hell of a lot more (read the ad3desc.txt file for more).

WHAT THIS BETA DOES NOT HAVE...(from the last beta, that is)
There are only two new levels from the first beta.  There are almost
no new graphics and the changes to the .exe are not overtly noticable
(except in the flamethrower and the fact that a lot of bugs are now
gone).  I still have to finish the graphics, and I just got 3D Studio
as well as the original Doom I alien meshes (thanks to original
modeler David Lobser- thanks Dave!).  So it should be on it's way to
level design very soon!

I'd like all of my old beta testers to try this out and tell me what
they think of the changes.  For you new ones, read the ad3desc.txt file
for a description of the game.  For you old beta testers, here's a list
of what's new:

1.  Levels have been moved to Episode 2, levels 1-8 and Episode 3,
	levels 1-3.  Level 3-1 still has a texture problem but will
	be fixed soon.
2.  There are now some test pictures between levels.  These pictures
	will be different for each level and will help the story along
	(they have text on them so there is an actual storyline to the
	gameplay!)  The test screens are before levels: 2-2, 2-4, and
	2-5.  Check it out.
3.  There have been a few changes to the aliens.  Mainly the Predators
	and enemy marines look and behave a little differently as do
	the friendly marines.  The grey alien now flies (I'm working
	on the graphic for an alien with insect wings).  There are
	a few new and changed things too (like grey pools of nitrate
	that catch on fire when hit- like Alien 3, and you can walk
	through glass windows that have been shot away).

Well, that's basically it.  There are a lot of specific changes, but
to be quite honest I'm not sure what all the little changes are since
the last beta release.  Just try it out and let me know what you think.

This is made for Doom I and Ultimate Doom only.  I wanted to
include Doom ][ support in this release, but it would be to
big.  I'll upload a seperate Doom ][ version soon.

If you have the old AD3, I suggest moving it out of your Doom
directory until you have installed the new version.  If the new
version works, delete the old version (but not until you're
sure the new one works).  Alternately, if you've got enough
HD space, make a copy of your Doom in another directory (make
sure it's clean) and install on that.

1. Unzip the contents of into your Doom directory.

Firstly, the install programs assume you are using c:\doom as the
path to your Doom game.  If this is not correct, you will need to
edit all references to that path in the files ad3.bat, dmdeh.ini,
and udmdeh.ini.  Once the paths are correct, you may continue with
the installation process:

DOOM I Installation:
2.  If you are installing on a version other than 1.9 of Doom I,
	I suggest you get the patch to Doom 1.9 from
	or Id software.  Otherwise, just edit the dmdeh.ini file
	so that the line "version =" uses the correct number from
	the table above that line (the table has a different
	number for each version of Doom- NOTE: this will NOT
	work with Doom ][!!!).  Once this is done, run "infestd1.bat"
	and it will begin installation.  Be sure to read the on-
	screen notes during the install.  Go to step 3.

Ultimate DOOM Installation:
2.  Simply run the file "infestud.bat".  Read the on-screen notes and
	follow the instructions.  Go to step 3.

3.  Once installation is complete, just run ad3.bat to start the game.
	Note that you can still use and normal Doom parameters when
	you type "ad3".  For example, if you want to warp to episode
	2, level 3, just type:
	ad3 -warp 2 3
	That's all!  You may even want to put the ad3.bat file in
	your DOS directory so you can start the game from any directory.

Please keep in mind that this is only a beta, so it's a bit rough.
These levels were designed for me to put my game to the test, really
test it's limits.  So if you have trouble running it (it goes slow
on anything less than a DX4/100 I think), that's why.  Also, if
it seems unreasonably hard, that's because it IS!  I made them so
that they would be hard for ME, and I've gotten damn good (from
test-playing it so much- plus I MADE the levels).  So keep in mind
that the levels in the final version will be smaller, more atmospheric
(not 500 aliens rushing at you constantly- think Aliens-TC), and
will have difficulty levels.  I even have problems beating these
levels (without GOD mode, that is).

If you have any problems, just let me know and I'll try to help.
Also, send any comments, questions or suggestions to:

Michael Gummelt
Montclair State University, New Jersey

Ok, ok, I changed the cheat codes.  If you don't know how to use
DeHackEd to get them yourself, here they are:
IDDQD (GOD):MIKEG (look for me in a cameo here)
IDDT (map): MAPS
IDFA:       AMMO