"Eternal Shell" DOSBox Patch ---------------------------- ©Copyright 1996-1997, TeamTNT, Team Eternal - All rights reserved This archive contains an unofficial patched executable for the frontend menu utility "Eternal Shell" that was included with TeamTNT / Team Eternal's "Eternal DOOM III" to allow the shell to function properly when using DOSBox to run the game. The Eternal Shell creates the standard DOS batch file "RUNET.BAT" on the fly for actually running the game. Some of the commands contained in the batch file include the "|" character, which DOSBox doesn't seem to like. This patch simply changes the following runtime lines contained in the Eternal Shell excecutable "ESHELL.EXE" from: @ECHO | %s%s\DOOM2 @ETERNAL.RSP @ECHO | DOOM2 @%s%s\ETERNAL.RSP to read: %s%s\DOOM2 @ETERNAL.RSP DOOM2 @%s%s\ETERNAL.RSP ...viola, problem fixed! Included in this archive are the files "ESHELL.ORI" and "ESHELL.BOX". "ESHELL.ORI" is the original undedited Eternal Shell executable (for backup purposes), and "ESHELL.BOX" is the patched executable. To install, simply copy the files to the directory on your hard drive where Eternal DOOM III is installed, and then copy the file "ESHELL.BOX" to the filename "ESHELL.EXE" (overwriting the existing file). HAVE FUN! Rich ĄWeedsĄ Nagel - TeamTNT / Team Eternal March 30, 2010 AIM: RichFNagel ICQ: 565228098 / RichFNagel richnagel@centurylink.net richnagel@simpilot.net rfnagel@juno.com http://www.richnagel.net http://www.simpilot.net/~richnagel http://www.cmoo.com/snor/ http://www.cmoo.com/snor/weeds/ http://www.cmoo.com/snor/weeds/DOOM http://www.facebook.com/RFNagel http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1164518241 http://www.youtube.com/RFNagel http://www.teamtnt.com http://www.teamtnt.com/ixet.htm http://www.teamtnt.com/teamet.htm