WACKY SOUNDS FOR DOOM2 - Hillarious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Title                   : Wack Sound!      v1.2
Authors                 : Geoff & Jawed             
	                  Voices by Geoff.
                          Compiled by Jawed.

Email Address           : jawed@infiniti.org

Description             : This PWAD changes many DOOM2 sounds.
                          Monster sounds changed:
                          -  FORMER HUMANS             
                          -  SPECTRES
                          -  BARONS OF HELL
                          -  FORMER HUMAN SERGEANTS
                          -  IMPS         
                          -  DEMONS 
                          - 'Human' sounds: death-scream....    
                                    and many more.
Additional Credits to   : Habib for letting us use his name.

* Play Information *

Episode and Level #     : all
New Sounds              : yes
New Graphics            : no
Demos Replaced          : none

* Construction *

Build Time              : About 4-6 hours
Editor(s) used          : NWT, GoldWave for Windows, Windat.
Known Bugs              : none

* Copyright / Permissions *

You may use this file and distribute it freely as long as you include this
file intact.  However, you may NOT modify this level in any way or use it 
as a base for another level. If this PWAD gets published on a CD-ROM, we
request a free copy.