
Title                   : platoon.wad (Sound WAD for DOOM) 
Author                  : Mike Coffey
Email Address           : mcoffey@hsonline.net


* Play Information *

Episode and Level #s    : None
Single Player           : What do you think?
Cooperative 2-4 Player  : Ditto
Deathmatch 2-4 Player   : 
Difficulty Settings     : 
New Sounds              : Duh
New Music               : E1M1 - E1M5, Intermission
New Graphics            : No
Demos Replaced          : No

Description:              A truly kick-ass sound wad for 
                          DOOM. Replaces most sounds with
                          bits from the movie Platoon.
                          Works with DOOM2 also (won't 
                          hear the new music).

                          WARNING: Contains adult language  


* Construction *

Editor(s) used          : DMAUD, NWT 1.03
Known Bugs              : None

You MAY distribute this WAD file as long as this
file is included intact.

* Where to get this wad * 

ftp sites:  ftp.cdrom.com