
                      Doom2 Sounds Patch v1  (3-1995)

                                Up in Smoke!   

After writting my fisrt PWAD: Dead-by-Dawn (available from Walnut Creek 
cd-rom home site; FTP.CDROM.COM pub/doom2/wads/d-f). I thought a patch on a
lighter note might be a good idea. So, who better to sample than Cheech & 

All samples were taken from video using an 8bit CREATIVE LABS sound card. 

Important Notes:
To run this patch simply run Doom2 using the alternate PWAD supplied 
(-file [Path]\cheech&c.wad). This patch is complete FREEWARE, please feel free 
to spread/modify it as much as you like. In fact I'd appreciate some feedback, 
so if you want to drop me a line about this or any patch, I'm available
 through E-mail on 91073805@brookes.ac.uk. Thanks and enjoy...

P.S:I take no responsibility/credit what-so-ever for exploding motherboards,
dying RAM's and any other such freak occurences on your machines. 


Doom Audio Editor v1.0 by Bill Neisius (bill@solaria.hac.com).

The Mystery Man for his excellent work fixing my batch file botch.

Software used:

Creative Wave Studio

Revision update:
v1.0 completed 3-95.
                                                                   Hu Badini                                            