Title                   : bestmus.wad
Date Finished           : July 17, 1998
Author                  : Justin White
Email Address           : JLWhite71@aol.com
Other Files By Author   : work in progress -- Ultimate Doom Part 2 (a complete 4 episode
                          replacement featuring this music and a custom .deh file
Misc. Author Info       : Doom, heretic, hexen fan (soon 2 B Heretic II)

Description             : A music wad that makes me proud (cuz all other music wads suck in my
                          opinion.  Except the NIN.wad) Don't know if it will work for D2.  
                          I tried to go for a dark and eerie theme hear, but, had to through in 
                          some cool and upbeat tracks to.  Alot of the music in this wad is 
                          unique to say the very least.  Let me know what you think.  This is my 
                          very first wad every by me, so feed back is very important.  Be very
                          very candid!!!  Honesty is important

Additional Credits to   : ID Software for allowing people to modify games!  :-}
* Type of DOOM or DOOM II file*

(Choose One)
New level WAD           : No
Sound PWAD Only         : No
Music PWAD Only         : Yes
Graphic Addon Only      : No
Dehack Patch Only       : No 
.LMP Only               : No
Other                   : 
Required To Have In Dir : 

* Play Information *

Map #                   : 
Episode and Level #     : Replaces all 4 episodes
Single Player           : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player  : Yes
Deathmatch 2-4 Player   : Yes
Difficulty Settings     : Yes
New Sounds              : No
New Music               : Hell Yes!!
New Graphics            : No
Demos Replaced          : None

* Construction *

Base                    : from scratch  
Build Time              : About an hour 
Editor(s) used          : WinTex  midi2mus
Known Bugs              : Some midis aren't done justice in mus format.  Extract them and see for
May Not Run With...     : Don't know if it will work for Doom II

* Copyright / Permissions *

Authors may use this level as a base to build additional
levels. I don't care about getting credit (actually I do!, but who is honest enough in this world?
You MAY distribute this WAD, but are required to include this file, with
no modifications.  I will find out if you do and you will regret it too.
If you distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) you are required to
include this file intact.

* Where to get this WAD *

FTP sites:ftp://wcarchive.cdrom.com/pub/doom/music

Other: If, for some reason you cant get it from the above, e-mail me and I will be glad to send 
       it to you.