The DOOM2 Pacifist Collection

                 This page was created and is maintained by
                               Steffen Udluft
                          Version 2.0: Feb 21 1999

Table of contents:

   * What is Pacifist style?
   * Comparison with other styles.
   * About this collection.
   * Which recordings are valid?
   * The lmp collection with summary table
   * See also:
        o the DOOM1 Pacifist Collection
        o a primitive text version of this page (if your browser can't
          handle tables).

What is Pacifist style?

Pacifist style is finishing a DOOM level in Ultra-Violence without harming
any monster. That is: no boxing, chainsawing or shooting at monsters, not
even shooting barrels that do explode next to monsters, not even pressing
switches that activate crushers harming monsters. But it is allowed to make
the monsters fight each others, if they are so stupid and agressive, well
that's their problem. Note: Even a pacifist cannot always avoid telefrags.

This new style of playing doom has been invented recently to give live to a
new Doom Honorific Title - the "Doom2 Pacifist". There are currently 13
people who hold this title (click here to download their exams).

Comparison with other styles.

There are two major aspects in pacifist: one is to make the monsters fight
each others very much like in Tyson, the other is to run slalom through
crowds of monsters without fighting them as often required when playing
under PAR or for COMPET-N speed entries. In some aspects pacifist is more
difficult than Tyson, because you don't even can use pistol or fist to get
rid of monsters, on the other hand you are not forced to kill all of them.

About this collection.

The collection consists of three types of recordings. The first, the fastest
and miscellaneus. As said before the "Pacifist" is a rather new style of
dooming, thus all the first recordings have been collected. The first is not
always the best, so the fastest recordings are collected too. And if there
exist a paticularly interesting recording of a level it will find its way to
the collection even if it is slower. If you know of any older, faster or
interesting recording, be sure to send it to the new COMPET-N incoming
directory or directely to me (the ultimate goal would of course be to do an
uncompleted map for the first time!).

Which recordings are valid?

In a valid recording the player has to start from scratch and play until the
level is finished (i.e. the endscreen is shown). This endscreen must be
visible for at least 5 seconds. Do not use the [pause] key for more then two
times during a recording. In the case that two recordings have the same run
time, one with pauses, one w/o, only the pause free recording will be kept.
The player might die during a recording ONLY immeditially after doing a DHT
dance or when exiting. The recording must be the product of normal gameplay,
absolutely no cheats are allowed. Read some more details if you are not sure
what is considered cheating. For the miscellaneus section in which
interesting recordings are kept, even cheated recording are valid as long as
the player claims correctly how the recording has been produced (e.g. played
with doom V1.9 and edited with lmpc).

The Collection:

The following table summarizes all the lmps in this collection. If you click
on the date of the first recording (fourth column), it will download that
"classic" lmp. If you click on the time of the fastest recording (sixth
column), it will download this lmp.

File name of the recordings is of the form: pa(map number)-(time in
mmss).lmp. However, the dash is eaten up for recordings longer than 9:59.

You can download all the lmps in this collection, 200 kB zipped, 1.5 MB
uncompressed) by clicking below. If you want to view more than two of these
recordings, this is the way to do it.

Download entire collection (195 kB)

 Level   DHT6  First lmp by Date   Fastest lmp  Time         Comments
       Rating                          by
                             Apr                       This level is
  01   Easiest     Simon      25      Thomas    New!   trivial in Pacifist
                 Widlake             Pilger     0:05
                            1995                       style.
                                                       This looks
  02      -    uncompleted    -    ucompleted     -    impossible, many
                                                       sergeants and very
                                                       little health.

                             Mai                       Lot's of armor,
  03   Medium  Robert Reevy   30   Robert Reevy 0:39   health and the blur
                            1997                       sphere make it
                                                       This looks
                                                       impossible, many
  04      -    uncompleted    -    uncompleted    -    chaingunners and
                                                       sergeants, with no
                                                       armor and very
                                                       little health.

                             Mai                       A tough map,
  05    Hard      Istvan      31      Thomas    0:37   especially if you do
                  Pataki             Pilger            not even take the
  06   Hardest    Kai-Uwe     11      still      6:39  Just watch it!
                  Humpert            fastest

  07      -    uncompleted    -    uncompleted    -    Impossible by

                             Mai                       Beeing invulnerable
  08    Easy    Richard J.    28   Andy Badorek 0:30   most of the time,
                   Sham                                the only problem is
                                                       not to get stuck.

                             Jun                       You got to be a real
  09    Hard   Peo Sjoblom    02   Andy Badorek New!   slalom expert to
                            1997                2:00   reach the yellow
                                                       The major problem is
                                                       to find the right
                                                       way through this
                                                       complex level.
                             Mai                       (Steve Terry has
  10   Medium     Steffen     28     Steffen    0:39   done it first, but
                  Udluft             Udluft
                            1997                       his lmp doesn't
                                                       playback. Please
                                                       mail me if you find
                                                       a way to get it
                                                       The main problem are
                                                       the two imps
                                                       blocking the last
                                                       switches. In Thomas'
                             Feb                       incredible fast
  11   Hardest    Thomas      19      still      0:53  recording everything
                  Pilger             fastest
                            1998                       looks easy, but
                                                       watch the first
                                                       nearly sucessful try
                                                       Kai-Uwe made in 1997
                                                       for the proposal.

                             Mai                       The problem is to
  12    Hard      Istvan      31      Thomas    0:45   hit all the switches
                  Pataki             Pilger            behind the
                                                       You have to convince
                                                       a "friendly" monster
                             Jun                       to kill all the imps
  13    Hard      Istvan      12     Steffen    New!   blocking the yellow
                  Pataki             Udluft     8:47
                            1997                       key. Watch how
                                                       Istvan "tamed" the
                                                       Without the jump
                                                       tricks Istvan
                             Jun                       invented for
  14    Hard      Istvan      03      Thomas    1:07   COMPET-N it would be
                  Pataki             Pilger
                            1997                       impossible, even
                                                       with them it's a
                                                       hard level.
                                                       You can do the
                                                       conventional jump to
                                                       the switch or press
                             Mai                       it from below. The
  15    Easy      Steffen     27      Thomas    0:39   latter solution is
                  Udluft             Pilger
                            1997                       the faster one if
                                                       you do it w/o the
                                                       radsuit like Thomas

                             Mai                       The most critical
  16    Easy      Steffen     27      Thomas    0:45   part is to pass the
                  Udluft             Pilger            two spectres at the
                                                       red key.
                                                       The end sequence
  17      -    uncompleted    -    uncompleted    -    alone makes this map
                                                       Another classic
                             Apr                       pacifist map, first
  18    Easy      Istvan      24      Thomas    0:25   done by Istvan as a
                  Pataki             Pilger
                            1996                       COMPET-N speed
                                                       There are three very
                                                       different ways to
                                                       play this level:
                                                       press the first
                                                       switch by running a
                                                       fulminant slalom
                             Jun                       through the imps;
  19   Medium  Peo Sjoblom    01      Thomas    1:03   let the arachnotron
                            1997     Pilger            kill those imps; or
                                                       play it the easy way
                                                       by passing the
                                                       candle barrier
                                                       (using this new
                                                       discovered route the
                                                       level is EASY).

                             Mai                       A nice level to play
  20    Easy      Steffen     27      Thomas    0:46   pacifist, you can
                  Udluft             Pilger            choose many ways to
                                                       the exit.
                                                       In this map the
                                                       spectres are a
                                                       pacifists best
                             Mai                       friend, they serve
  21   Medium     Steffen     31   Andy Badorek New!   as transparent
                  Udluft                        1:03   shields and are able
                                                       to kill the nasty
                                                       sergeants. Istvan
                                                       did this map on
                                                       In principle this
                                                       map should be
                                                       possible, because
  22      -    uncompleted    -    uncompleted    -    all blocking
                                                       monsters may kill
                                                       each other - but be
                                                       sure they will kill
                                                       you first!
                                                       If you prevent the
                                                       wall from going down
                                                       and trapping you
                             Mai                       within the herd of
  23    Hard      Patrick     30   Andy Badorek 0:58   demons you can make
                            1997                       your way through
                                                       without beeing too
                                                       much of a slalom
                                                       Anthe's first
                                                       pacifist recording
                                                       which he did for
                                                       COMPET-N has been a
                                                       major inspiration to
                                                       propose the pacifist
                             Jun                       title. It is really
  24    Hard   Andreas Kren   08       Esko     New!   worth watching how
                            1996    Koskimaa    0:40   the strategies for
                                                       COMPET-N changed to
                                                       pacifist! Most DHT6
                                                       players followed his
                                                       route quite closely.
                                                       Watch this
                                                       If you don't like to
                                                       do Anthe's jump to
                             Jun                       the megasphere you
  25   Medium  Andreas Kren   01      Thomas    0:59   must convince the
                            1997     Pilger            monsters to shoot
                                                       the blocking barrels
                                                       for you.
                                                       It looks impossible
  26      -    uncompleted    -    uncompleted    -    to reach the red
                                                       A very fast one if
                             Sep                       you make the
  27    Easy      Laszlo      20      still      0:16  arch-vile cooperate.
                  Magori             fastest           It's also possible
                                                       on the conventional
                                                       If you know the
                                                       right route through
                             Mai                       that level you can
  28    Easy      Steffen     27   Andy Badorek New!   play it invulnerable
                  Udluft                        0:56   most of the time
                                                       without too much
                                                       danger of getting
                                                       Blocked and
  29      -    uncompleted    -    uncompleted    -    impossible to

  30      -    uncompleted    -    uncompleted    -    Impossible by
                             Nov                       This level is
  31   Easiest Michael Kren   01   Adam Hegyi   New!   trivial Pacifist
                            1995                0:32   style.

                             Mai                       Not as trivial as 01
  32   Easiest    Steffen     26   Adam Hegyi   0:26   and 31 but also very
                  Udluft                               easy, just let cybie
                                                       shoot the Keens.

This collection may be updated every couple of months, if and when better
recordings come in.