LMP Title               : 4 players deathmatch on boothill
Filename                : bthill04.lmp
LMP Version             : 1.9
Game                    : Doom2
Pwad(s)                 : boothill (bh.wad bhsp.wad)
Map Level(s)            : MAP01
Skill                   : 5, Nightmare!
Options                 : -nomonsters
Multiplayer Mode        : DeathMatch
Number of Players       : 4 - Green Indigo Brown and Red
Perspective             : Green
Length                  : 00:27:14.20
-timer                  : 27

Author                  : Kim Dong-Hyun
Email Address           : elaine@nownuri.net
Misc. Author Info       : I live in Seoul,KOREA. I'm 20 years old
                          freshman of Soongsil University and
                          majoring computer engineering.
                          You can contact me at Namomo,Nownuri.
                          My ID is 'Gong Ju Byung' in hangul.

Description             : This is 1997/12/21 Namomo Seoul netparty demo.
                          Sorry, I don't know Indigo and Brown's name.

Additional Credits to   : id software, many players all over the world. :)   

* Player Information *

Green  : Choi Jin-Sung (cogito1)    - P200 - mouse/kbd/turbo 120
Indigo : viamedia's friend 1        - P200 - mouse/kbd/turbo 120
Brown  : viamedia's friend 2        - P200 - mouse/kbd/turbo 120
Red    : Choi Joong-Hyun (viamedia) - P200 - mouse/kbd/turbo 120

* DeathMatch Score *

       | Green | Indigo | Brown |  Red  | TOTAL
Green  |   00       32      34      34  |  100
Indigo |   08       03      17      21  |   43
Brown  |   24       17      02      20  |   59
Red    |   29       19      13      00  |   61
TOTAL:     61       71      66      75  |  263
FPM: 10.3

* Where to get this LMP *

FTP sites: 
ftp.cdrom.com or mirrors

BBS numbers: 
Nownuri (Go Namomo)

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