LMP Title               : Team Deathmatch on Westdeth.wad!
Filename                : westde01.lmp
LMP Version             : 1.9
Game                    : Doom2
Pwad(s)                 : westdeth.wad(included)
Map Level(s)            : MAP01
Skill                   : 5, Nightmare!
Options                 : none
Multiplayer Mode        : Old DeathMatch
Number of Players       : 4
Perspective             : Red
Length                  : 00:21:36.40
-timer                  : None

Author                  : Kim Dong-Hyun
Email Address           : elaine@nownuri.net
Misc. Author Info       : I live in Seoul,KOREA. You can contact me
                          at Namomo,Nownuri(ID : Gong Ju Byung).

Description             : This .lmp is recorded at Seoul DOOM2
                          netparty(7/27). All Korean players use
                          -turbo 120 for fast Fragfest.

Additional Credits to   : id software, all other players ;)

* Player Information *

Green  : Lee Kwon-Sub (ks88)           - P200 - kbd/turbo 120
Indigo : Kong Seung-Yong (hdd2d)       - P200 - Mouse/kbd/turbo 130
Brown  : Kim Jong-Min (Ha I Yan Kum)   - P200 - Mouse/kbh/turbo 120
Red    : Kim Dong-Hyun (Gong Ju Byung) - P200 - Mouse/kbd/turbo 120

* DeathMatch Score *

       | Green | Indigo | Brown |  Red  | TOTAL
Green  |   00      06      21      36   |  63
Indigo |   03      00      25      32   |  60
   Team Score = (63 - 6*2) + (60 - 3*2) = 105

Brown  |   23      33      00      07   |  63
Red    |   55      42      03      00   | 100
   Team Score = (63 - 7*2) + (100 - 3*2)= 143
TOTAL:     81      81      49      75   | 286

* Where to get this LMP *

FTP sites: 

BBS numbers: 
Go Namomo(in Nownuri,Korea)
