LMP Title (if any)      : Emb. Pete V Brass Monkey @1 (1)
Filename                : nypros2
LMP Version             : 1.9
Game                    : Doom2
Pwad(s)                 : ------
Map Level(s)            : 1
Skill                   : 5
Options                 : -nomonsters
Multiplayer Mode        : DeathMatch
Number of Players       : 2
Perspective             : Green (Embrionic Pete)
Length                  : ---
-timer                  : 25 min

Author                  : Embrionic Pete
Email Address           : embpete@pointblank.com
Misc. Author Info       : A Ny State Doom ][ Champion

Description             : Yet another fight to the death on lev 1. 
			  One of the most exciting matches you may
			  ever see. Quality Frag for Frag.
What is the LMPS about?   Movement and Aim =)

Additional Credits to   : Chunnk-=>  Thank-you for playing me one lev 1 and   
			  showing me the tricks and traps on the level. 
			  I'm sorry I got your home state wrong on embchk1.
			  I wrote you were from IN when your from OK. I got
			  your state mixed up with Noskill's =) cheers
			  Brass Monkey-=> Once again, managing to take me
			  out on level 1 by about a 10% margin.

			  J-Bird-=>  Great target practice =)

			  If you acquire this lmp, please feel free to
			  drop me email and let me know what ya think.
			  I'd love to hear from you!!

* Player Information *

Green  : Embrionic Pete      - P5-75   - Mouse+Keyboard
Indigo : Brass Monkey        - P5-60   - Mouse+Keyboard

* DeathMatch Score *

Green  |   83      
Indigo |   91       

* Where to get this LMP *

FTP sites:   ftp.cdrom.com

BBS numbers: Cybernet (516)563-1788

Other:  Call me voice for Dmatch. Embrionic Pete (516) 723-0053
	Or call Brass Monkey (516)483-8801

	   In the words of the Immortal Datasquid:   Doom On!!!