Filename                : molxol2.lmp
LMP Version             : 1.9
Game                    : Doom2
Episode and Level #     : Map21 - Nirvana
Skill                   : 5 (NIGHTMARE!)
Options                 : Must use: "-timer 15" if you want to see scores.
Mode                    : DeathMatch (Original)
Number of Players       : 2
Perspective             : Indigo
Length                  : 15 minutes
-timer                  : 15

Author                  : Moller
Email Address           : moller@ovnet.com
Misc. Autor Info        :  Designer of nifty DM levels, the moller series, 
			   big fan of Bad Religion, religious watcher of 
			   MST3K , and DooM Phreak.

Description             : Hey, whatddya know? Practice does make ya better!
			  Not to say I did much better this time, but at
			  least I can aim now! Xoleras did a little bit of
			  camping, which suprised me. Well, it was after I 
			  had gotten him 15 times, he was a little bit pissy.
			  I am proud to say that not a single one of my frags
			  was a Telefrag, and I only had one suicide, and it 
			  was for a noble cause (read: killing the tuff guy)
			  If you want a tought DM, definatly give Xol a call,
			  his aim has improved to what I'd call INCREDIBLE. 

Additional Credits to   : Xoleras, for being damn cool, Moe! for deathmatching 
			  me constantly, Jim, for being an asshole and telling 
			  me he could program Doom (he actually bought "Secrets 
			  of the Doom Programming Gurus" a $30 book which is a 
			  WADED tutorial! And Blenderhead (Luke) for always
			  being there and sucking at Doom.


* Player Information *

Green  : Xoleras  - P133 system - Keyboard  & Mouse
Indigo : Moller - P90 system - Keyboard & Mouse (If you don't, DO!)

* DeathMatch Score *

       | Green | Indigo | TOTAL   
Green  |   00      54       54
Indigo |   22      01       21
TOTAL:     22      55       75

* Where to get this LMP *

FTP sites:
	ftp.cdrom.com (and mirrors)

WWW sites: 
	hopefully, www.megamedia.com

	It's Entropy! It's matter of course!