This is a LMP of me and a Guy (Mr Farber) I play D2 with over 'ere in Australia. 
Me = Green
Doom 2 V1.9 ..
doom2 -file longview.wad -playdemo longview

1> we don't play on crappy lvl 1 
2> We don't classify 'Doom Gods' as having skill when they shoot a person 10 times in a row 
   from a respawn position, OR when they camp blatantly to get the extra frag.
3> We Don't camp
4> We (mostly) use dm 1.0, rather than alt-death, quite simply coz it takes more skill to
   get an opponent BY AIMING, not by firing 50 rockets/firing a full load of plasma bolts 
   down a tunnel.
5> The only 'Doom God' I have any respect for is Smight. 
6> Why am i writing this? I'm bored.

Anyone wanna send me any comments, or perhaps dm :

Score is 52-42 in my favour. Only a coincidence i chose this lmp, though :-+