Lmp Title               :Super Grand Master Volume 2
Filename                :supergm2.zip
Lmp Version             :Ultimate Doom Ver 1.9
Game                    :Doom
Pwad(s)                 :(none)
Map levels              :E2M1-E2M9
Skill                   :4
Options                 :-fast
Number of Players       :1
Length                  :See description

Author                  :Terry "T-man" Dunphy
Email Address           :tdunphy@voyager.newcomm.net
Misc. AUthor INfo       :Wow, this is about 150-159 lmp recordings that I have
                         recorded to date, I have said a lot about myself,
                         but I never really told people what I am like, I am
                         a skateboarder who, when not skating, plays doom and
                         goes downtown, did I mention that I love doom a lot,
                         I did? Oh well...

Description             :This wasn't easy, this is the 2nd installment of my
                         super grandmaster series, with most of the hard set
                         being E1M*, I thought that this was going to be a
                         breeze, but these stages are long and one of them
                         was out of base at the time of this recording, E2M7
                         I think. If you don't know what I am talking about
                         when I refer to the base and stuff like that, go
                         check out the "Doom Honnorific title" Homepage.

                         Anyway, here are the times and stuff...


Not much to say really, not a difficult level, did it on my first try, wasn't
boring like E2M2 but wasn't as much fun to record as most of my E1M* lmp's


                        Time taken-  4:04 min   Par-  1:30 min

Wow was this lmp boring, I have recorded lmp's in which I do absolutely nothing
which was more exciting than this lmp, It is long and like it's predecessor,
E1M2, which is also boring. I only recommend watching this if you absolutely
wan't to see it done. I can do it much better but I don't want to because it
is so boring to record. I recorded this a long time ago, and I didn't know
how to get the cell blaster down, I know now, the switch. But before I didn't
have a clue, my route is horrible and the lmp is BORING. Here are the... times


                        Time taken- 17:55 min (UGH..)  Par- 1:30 min

This one was fun, after the horrible lmp I recorded for E2M2, I decided to do
a good one here, there are a few spots in which I screw up, but who doesn't.
My suggestion for viewing the lmp's is watch E2M1 if you want and then skip
E2M2 and go straight to this.


                        Time taken-  8:35 min   Par- 1:30 min

This one wasn't very easy, there is not a lot of ammo to fight a lot of
enemies, this is a funny lmp to watch, right at the end I have very low health
and I got to kill the last few imp's in the final room, but I have absolutely
no ammo at all, but little did I know that there was I box of shells I left
behind, anyway just watch the lmp


                        Time taken- 17:26 min  Par-  2:00 min

I am terribly sorry about the times of these lmp's but some of these stages
are really long, this particular level was the longest one of the bunch, I
had a few route problems while recording this that is why the time is so very
high, I think this is the lmp in which I was reduced to 2 percent health
running through slime, the time is big, but it is a hard level.


                        Time taken- 19:24 min   Par-  1:30

The reason I am recording all of these Lmp's is because I was inspired by the
DHT system, I already have my Doom 1 Grand Master, I only had to do 4 levels
in this style, and this is one of the 4 levels, My out of base level in fact,
so instead of doing it over again I am just going to include it with this bunch
of lmp's, as I did with E1M5 and what I will do with E3M2, that was some hard
level. I use the berserk pack, to punch my enemies a lot in this lmp,
something to watch for is at the end when I am fighting the baron of hell wiht
my Rocket Launcher, just see for yourself...


                        Time taken- 15:53       Par-  6:00 min

At the time of this recording, this is the only out of base level left in the
Grand Master title, this means that noone has done it officialy for the DHT's
Well I decided to try it, (I had to before I uploaded this set) and it really
isn't that hard, It is not easy by any means but once you get past the very
first room it is pretty easy, you have to have luck in the demon room too.
My route is good I think but the time could be better (couldn't all of these
lmp's times be better :-) I screwed up my route a bit but it looks pretty good.


                        Time taken- 14:10 min   Par-  4:00 min

Like E2M1, I really can't say much about this stage, it really wasn't hard at
all, all you have to do is kill lost souls and a cyberdemon, big deal. A
couple of notes though, I press pause once to change the cd in my cd player,
and I shoot lost souls a bit too close with my rocket launcher.


               Time taken- I don't remember, not much  Par-undefined

This stage is easy, all you have to do is get the enemies to fight each other
and just clean up when they are done, an interesting thing about this stage
is that it I did this under par, grand master style, I think the par is much
too high considering it can be done it about 15 seconds for a speed run,
another interesting thing is that I got this whole paragraph in one sentence,
I haven't used a period once


                        Time taken-  2:18 min   Par-  2:50 min

Some general notes about these stages:

I did all of these stages while listening to either,

Nine Inch Nails
Bad Religion
Smashing Pumpkins
or Tool

So if it appears as if I don't hear an enemy or something it is probably
because I am listening to music, I love Bad Religion.
I travel to some places in map mode so if I bump into walls or something, it
is probably because I am in map mode.
The total time of all my lmp's are:            01:40:00 Hours
The total par times are:                       00:20:50 Hours
This leaves me about 1 hour and 20 minutes over par, I am a speedy kinda person
but this time leaves much to be desired :-)

If you don't believe that I am speedy download my supersg2.zip and supr2sg2,
both of them show me finish all of the doom and/or doom2 stages under par
starting from scratch on UV, supr2sg2 is yet to be released because I can't
seem to do Map29 but it will be released soon.

I would like to thank the following people for various reasons:

Tommy (my brother)
Frank Stajano
Steffen Winterfeldt (hope I spelt it right)
Simon Widlake
Jonathan Hoof
and many,many,many others.

See you all until supergm3.zip, bye-bye.


Terry "T-man" Dunphy