LMP Title (if any)      : You Wimps!!!! Volume 2
Filename                : dm1wimp2.lmp
LMP Version             : 1.9
Game                    : The Ultimate Doom
Pwad(s)                 : none
Map Level(s)            : E2M1-E2M9
Skill                   : 4
Options                 : -fast
Multiplayer Mode        : Cooperative
Number of Players       : 1
Perspective             : Green
Length                  : Given below
-timer                  : No

Author                  : Thomas R. "Timon" Grieve
Email Address           : timon@caedm.et.byu.edu
Misc. Author Info       : I hate boring demos and people who insist that
                                mousing is better than keyboarding.
* Description *

This is a set of .LMPs of every level in Episode 2 on Ultra-Violence with
100% kills.  So, what makes this set stand apart from all of the other 
collections?  Nothing much, really, except that every level is done with 
the -fast option selected.  Why -fast monsters?  Well, I went through each 
of the currently available sets and downloaded each one.  I watched the 
first few of each one, and only one was halfway exciting:  Yonatan Donner's.
Phidias Bourlas's are plenty interesting, as he claims to do every level 
finishing with maximum health and armor, but watching them puts me to sleep.
I mean, the guy hides around a corner and waits for the monsters to come to 
him one at a time, and acts like he's afraid to get hit.  If I'm going to
take the time to download a bunch of demos, I want them to be top quality,
exciting demos.  That's what these are.  No hiding, no sniping, and plenty 
of action!  Check these out and prepare to see some major butt-kicking!

Additional Credits to   : id, of course.
                          Frank Stajano, for his patience with us DHTers.

* Player Information *

Player 1                : Me.
System used             : Pentium 90 w/8 Megs
                          SVGA monitor
                          Headphones (occasionally)
                          The Icarus:  Alien Vanguard Music
                          Keyboard ONLY

* Demo Information *

Level           Time  %Kills  %Secrets  %Items
E2M1            5:06   100      100      100
E2M2           12:45   100      100       95
E2M3           10:05   100      100      100 
E2M4           15:11   100      100       97
E2M5           18:37   100       90      100
E2M6           18:01   100      100       90
E2M7           11:15   100      100       92
E2M8            4:54   100      100      100
E2M9            3:24   100      100      100 

* Where to get this LMP *

FTP sites:  cdrom.com and other mirrors.

BBS numbers:
