This is a DHT exam file. Its place is in the dht-exams directory.

                      The DOOM Honorific Titles
                Created by Frank Stajano on 1994 05 01

Selim Benabdelkhalek hereby conquers the title of Doom2 Yagyu.

Exam file name          :
Title conquered         : Doom 2 Yagyu		
Author                  : Selim "Bastard" Benabdelkhalek 
Completion date         : 1998 12 21
Game and version used   : Doom2 v 1.9
Log entry               : previous requests: 0
                          userid: SBB
                          auth. dance: FFF-FLR-FFR
                          assigned lev.:31 14 20
Substitutions?          : NO
System used             : PII/333, 64Mb, 4Gb, Sb16
Controls used           : Keyboard. default controls
Free interpretation     : Map 23 pacifist
Comments                : Not really hard, since you can play slowly and carefully.
                          14:Quite difficult,but a very pleasant level.
                          20:One of my favourite.I've trained a lot on it for my D2Tyson                              title,so here it was a piece of cake.                                                       Free:I love this map.I completed it Pacifist to show that it is
                          NOT a hard one.This should really be put one medium(05,13 or 14                             are much more difficult).Sorry for the yellow key!          
Author info             : 16 years old Doom fan from Morocco.Special Thanks to Holyjack , 
                          who stimulates me for our race to the titles ! 
                          Thanks too to S.Winterfeldt, Demonlord . May the Great Spider                               Mastermind bless them!
                          And, of course, thanks to ID for the best game ever.