This is a DHT exam file. Its place is in the dht-exams directory.

                      The DOOM Honorific Titles
                Created by Frank Stajano on 1994 05 01

Zsolt Mordie Szabo hereby conquers the title of Doom Master.

Exam file name          :
Title conquered         : Doom2 Master
Author                  : Zsolt Mordie Szabo
Completion date         : 1997 May 11
Game and version used   : Doom2 1.9
Log entry               :

Exam filename:	D2M6ZMS.ZIP 	
Previous requests
for this title
from this candidate: 	0 	
Date and time of issue:	19970510 2215
Title:	D2M6 	
Userid:	ZMS
Candidate's name:	Zsolt Mordie Szabo
Authentication dance:	RRL-RFR-LRF
Assigned levels:        04 25 27	
Constraints:	Ultra-Violence, 100% or more kills 	
Substitutions?          : No
System used             : AMD5x86 160MHz, 16M ram 
Controls used           : Keyboard only ;-)
			  I play on the numeric keypad and
			  strafe left : Home		
			  strafe right: Pg Up	  
			  use 	      : Alt
			  strafe on   : not used
Free interpretation     : Map 18 nightmare.

Comments                : Istvan Pataki told me first about the DHT6 and we 
			  usually play Doom together, so I thought I'll try 
			  to get some titles. First I challenged the Doom2
			  Master exam, because we usually play this game, and 
			  I rarely play with Ultimate Doom. 

freezms.lmp             : I choose this map in nightmare, because in the last 
			  year I make a demo with 31 seconds, and then it was
			  the best in COMPET-N, but when I sent the demo, 
			  it already had been beaten. 
zms04.lmp               : I don't like this map, because when I began to play
			  in nightmare, I always died in this map. I hate the
			  heavy weapons dudes, but in UV it was so easy, I 
			  didn't know, I kill friends or enemies? 
zms25.lmp               : I was afraid of this map, because I've never played 
			  it. The number of it is too high, so I thought it is 
			  a very difficult map. I was wrong: nobody wanted to 
			  kill me, so I bumbled in the poison and around the 
			  revenant. And now I think, it's an easy and 
			  interesting map.

zms27.lmp               : This map is the favorite map of one of my friends, 
			  but he always died in it, so I was afraid of it 
			  with good reason. But I didn't give up, and I was
			  right. But if I knew it better, the demo wouldn't be
			  so funny. Because this demo is more funny than the
			  average of many years! Watch it! In the duplicated
			  room I fell in panic, and I felt it to the end. 

Author info             : I'm a 22 years old student of Technical University
			  of Budapest. I began playing doom two years ago with
			  doom2, after I saw some of my friends to play 
			  deathmatch. I love to watch when Istvan Pataki,
			  Gabor Vas and Laszlo Magori (who are interested 
			  in dht6, too) kill each others. Of course, I am the
			  fourth, who always die.