This is a DHT exam file. Its place is in the dht-exams directory.

                      The DOOM Honorific Titles
                Created by Frank Stajano on 1994 05 01

Steffen Udluft hereby conquers the title of DOOM II Master.

Exam file name          : D2M-SRU.ZIP
Title conquered         : DOOM 2 Master
Author                  : Steffen Udluft
Completion date         : 1997 05 06
Game and version used   : DOOM II v. 1.9
Log entry               :
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
19970505 1221 CHAL: D2M6 SRU  04 30 28 (00)
19970505 1221     : Steffen Rini Udluft
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Substitutions?          : NO (of course not, as this doesn't exist in DHT6 :)
System used             : P150+ 6x86/120 Mhz, PCI bus graphics (ATI Mach 64),
                          or 80486 DX-2/80, VESA Local Bus,
                          Soundblaster Pro clone, headphones

Controls used           : keyboard only, with everything redefined
                          as follows:
                              D:     fire
                              A:     strafe left
                              S:     strafe right
                              SHIFT: speed on
                              SPACE: use

                          I've played with [STRAFE ON] until march of this
                          year. It feels much better now to be able to rotate
                          while strafing. But to be honest:
                          I'm not yet benefitting from the new config
                          (in terms of speed).

Free interpretation     : MAP16-UV (Suburbs)
                          If you want to watch game action only, please watch
                          MAP04-UV. This one is for amusement and information
                          about the DooM engine. I show how to produce an
                          "unhittable" imp via the archvile bug. These imps
                          cannot be hit by any shots and they can walk through
                          walls! Back in '94 when I played level 16 for the
                          first time, there came an imp right through a wall
                          and he began to scratch on me, "No problem, just a
                          quick shot from the supershotgun" I thought, but
                          THAT imp survived the shot from no distance.
                          And even the second shot and ... I died.
                          In my frustration I had to go to Poeppy. He calmed
                          me down and later we discovered what had happend.
                          If an archvile revives a dead monster that was
                          squashed by a door, the monster is unhittable and
                          unclipped (you can make an unhittable revenant too -
                          if you like :-).
                          But even these monsters can take damage by rockets
                          or barrels exploding near them (no direct hits).
                          One question stays open: "Can an archvile hit an
                          unhittable monster?" Feel free to find that out by
                          yourself ...

Comments                : MAP30-UV (Icon of Sin)
                          In my opinion this is the second hardest level
                          (hardest is MAP29, platformduell with cybie) if you
                          haven't so much practise. I didn't manage to
                          complete this level back in '94 when I played
                          all DOOM2 levels (except 29 and 30 ;-) from scratch 
                          for the first time.
                          But the more you practice the easier this get's in
                          comparison to other levels. Nowadays I think it's an
                          easy level. 
                          As I cannot perform the platform jump (who can
                          without mouse?) I had no idea how to make something
                          special and so I just took my first try, although
                          it's a quite bad performance ...

                          MAP28-UV (The Spirit World)
                          I like this map! It's so easy if you just ignore the
                          painies and get an invulnarability, the BFG and an
                          megasphere first. It's a bit harder if you are going
                          for the backpacks first (as I do in this recording).
                          My first try for the D2M6 was just above par so I
                          improved it a bit.

                          MAP04-UV (The Focus)
                          After completing 30 and 28 below PAR (that's easy)
                          I've liked the idea to do all three levels under PAR
                          as in a MasterVelox ;-)
                          And it would have been under PAR without the dance.
                          This really took me some time and I don't like that
                          level very much so I'm contempt with this time of
                          2:03 ...

Author info             :  
                          I was born in '69, live in germany near munich and
                          have made my physics diplom in '96. I've a very nice
                          girlfriend and a very cute little dog. I will write
                          more when achieving more titles - OK?
                          Btw: I hate aggresion and violence - 
                          in the real world (the one without pixels, you know?)

Credits                 :
                          Cretits have to go to Frank for all the work he has
                          put in the DHT and especially for the new DHT6
                          concept, to Simon Widlake for COMPET-N and to
                          Poeppy who is always a great help
                          (except for always beating my COMPET-N records ;-).