This is a DHT exam file. Its place is in the dht-exams directory.

                      The DOOM Honorific Titles               
               Created by Frank Stajano on 1994 05 01

Terry Starr hereby conquers the title of DOOM 1 Velox.

Exam file name          : D1V6TS01.ZIP
Title conquered         : DOOM 1 Velox
Author                  : Terry Starr  
Completion date         : 1997 07 03
Game and version used   : The Ultimate DOOM v. 1.9
Log Entry		:
19980701 2116 CHAL: D1V6 TS01 36 14 26 (00)
19980701 2116     : Terry  Starr

System used             : P100, 16 megs of RAM, 1 meg Vid Card
			  (same as DHT5 two years ago)

Controls used           : Logitech Mouse + Keyboard
			  The S Key: Strafe left
			  The D Key: Speed
			  The F Key: Strafe Right
			Right Click: Move Forward
			 Left Click: Shoot

Free interpretation     : Episode 2 Kinda-Lightning


        Well well well, i'm at it again, after a LONG drought from
        playing doom, i saw that DHT6 was going on, and since i had
        success with DHT 5, i decided to give this a shot.

	My name in DHT 5 is TMD, but the name i go by this time and
        place is TS, or Terry Starr, Why? Cause that is the name i
        use now for my personal life, and why not for something such
        as this. I think i requested a master title for doom about
        a year ago with the name "Terry Dunphy" It is not because i
        could not do those levels that i crazily switched names :P
        If you check out my DHT5 records you can see i never once
        substituted, and the master, velox titles are cake anyways.
        I hope that clears something up.

                    ******* SPECIAL COMMENTS *******

        Some people have goals while making these LMP's, but in
        fact, theres only one thing to do when completing a title
        this trivilay easy, it's too make it fun to watch, people
        who rush these titles (which may have been me 3 years ago
        when i did my DHT5 Exams) often upload very foolish looking
        not fun to watch stuff. I think you can have 2 objectives in
     	an exam like this, 1, is to go as fast as you possibly can,
	and make an appaling lmp that makes people go "Wow, that was
	fast!", or you can make an interesting lmp, that is still
	under par, but has some exciting attributes. I think the lmps
	that fall in between, are the ones that noone watches, the
	ones where people just go get bigass weapons and armor, and
	finish a 2:45 par at 2:44 with 122% health and 100% armor,
	sorry but that's just not a fun exam to watch.

	With that in mind, i decided to make mine interesting, if
	you want to watch super fast lmp's, go to the COMPT-N
	section :P Another quick note, everyone who likes to think
	your good at doom, if you find any of these stages hard, even
	on UV, you might not be as good as you think you are. :P

	Well that's enough talk, on with the stats:

Well, i tried to think of a way to spice this up, but folks in all
honesty, theres nothing here to see but a straightforward run to
the secret exit, what do you expect really from an easy based
lmp :)

		Kills: Ah, Who Cares
		Items: See Kills:
	       Secret: See Items:

	Time: 0:28		Par: 1:30

Nothing super crazy here, a pretty nice run through this stage,
i've done better, but this sure as hell isn't bad, a nice solid
run through it, nice time. Beginning is kinda sluggish, but i
made such a nice run at the endpart it was worth keeping.

		Kills: 4%
		Items: 8%
	       Secret: 0%

	Time: 0:37		Par: 1:30

Par for this stage is 6 minutes, so making it under par isn't
at all hard, actually, making it under par with 100% everything
isn't even hard :P, so i decided at first to try to do a super
fast run, but i kept dying at inoppurtune times, and i actually
did one that was really fast, but i decided to go with this lmp,
cause it's fun to watch, there's no blistering time, but theres
a few unexpected twists, like almost dying :) This is a fun one
to watch.

		Kills: 27%
		Items: 19%
	       Secret: 0%

	Time: 2:08		Par (6:00)
Free Interpretation:

Since this is Velox, i wanted to do a free that was based on the
title, thus one based on time, my first thought was to do an
episode lightning style, and my fav episode for that is level 2,
I have an lmp with my dance and everything, that goes through 9
of the stages, no problem, nice clean run.... But it's not here,
the one that i went with is EXTREMELY entertaining, it's a decent
run, until E2M6, then i lose it, i think i was down to 2% health
at one point, boxin barons cause i missed most of the weapons through
the first 5 stages, so instead of going with the clean cut lmp,
i'm giving you this exciting one, only 8 stages though, no secret
level :(, but still good. Enjoy!



			Under Name TMD: DHT5
		        D1GM		D2GM
			D1I		D2I
			D1T		D2T
			D1SG		D2SG

You may see that there is no master exams there, well it was after
DHT5 ended that i remembered i didn't even do them, but i had them
all done :), would have been nice to have been tied with Mike pratt
for 2nd with 10 titles, but you live you learn.

			Under Name TS01: DHT6

Heh, this is my first title, and this is my first time playing doom
in almost 3 years, but i have doom fever again, and i can't wait to
destory all the other titles, now i just gotta find my copy of Doom