This is a DHT exam file. Its place is in the dht-exams directory.

                      The DOOM Honorific Titles
                Created by Frank Stajano on 1994 05 01

Jan "Joe K." Vida hereby conquers the title of Doom Pacifist.

Exam file name          :
Title conquered         : Doom Pacifist
Author                  : Jan "Joe K." Vida  
Completion date         : 16. 10. 2000
Game and version used   : LinuxDoom
Log entry               : 20001016 1941 CHAL: D1P6 JJV0 25 44 27 (00)
                          20001016 1941     : Jan Joe K. Vida
Substitutions?          : NO
System used             : Pentium 233, 64 MB RAM, 1,5 GB HD, Linux Red Hat 6.2
Controls used           : keyboard + mouse, with everything redefined
                          as follows...
                          forward "w"
                          backward "s"
                          strafe left "a"
                          strafe right "d"
                          fire "mouse, right button"
Free interpretation     : E3M4 (House of pain) Pacifist: People usually say this one is hard because of the imps that can easily surround you. Well, I tried it and it's true... so I used the strategy when you take one hard monster (the baron) and let it kill everyone else (a.k.a. "Whose back shall we hide behind")... I think it worked pretty well. Dance: before opening the first door.
Comments                : E2M5 (Command control): Peace of cake. Dance in the beginning.
                          E4M4 (Unruly Evil): Not really hard. I saw a demo and copied the route. Dance in the beginning.
			  E2M7 (Spawning Vats): Long and boring to watch. Dance: somewhere while having the imps from behind the yellow door killed by the baron.
Author info             : I'm playing under Linux now. Theoretically there shouldn't be any problem with the demos (at least the author says so), but when I tried to play demos from other people, it almost always ran out of sync. So, if you had *really* trouble with my demos, let me know and I may return to ol' good Dos and original Doom and then record the demos again.
Email                   :
			  And now D1P
			  (This list is growing... :-))
		Jellicles can and Jellicles do!