This is a DHT exam file. Its place is in the dht-exams directory.

                      The DOOM Honorific Titles
                Created by Frank Stajano on 1994 05 01

Jan "Joe K." Vida hereby conquers the title of Doom 1 Incubus.

Exam file name          : D1I6JJV0.ZIP
Title conquered         : Doom 1 Incubus
Author                  : Jan "Joe K." Vida  
Completion date         : 29. 4. 2001
Game and version used   : Ultimate Doom v. 1.9
Log entry               : 20010429 1913 CHAL: D1I6 JJV0 22 43 49 (00)
                          20010429 1913     : Jan Joe K. Vida
Substitutions?          : NO
System used             : Pentium 233, 64 MB RAM, 7.6 + 1.5 GB HD
Controls used           : keyboard + mouse, with everything redefined
                          as follows...
                          forward "w"
                          backward "s"
                          strafe left "a"
                          strafe right "d"
                          fire "mouse, right button"
Free interpretation     : Episode 1 on Nightmare, every map under par
			  E1m1: 0:18, par 0:30
			  E1m2: 1:03, par 1:15
			  E1m3: 1:46, par 2:00
			  E1m4: 1:07, par 1:30
			  E1m5: 2:39, par 2:45
			  E1m6: 2:28, par 3:00
			  E1m7: 2:29, par 3:00
			  Yay! Took me three days and isn't even remotely perfect, but I did it! Yeah! Since the second ant third eps are much easier, I need only the fourth to be a Doom Schwarzenegger :-) (Yeah, yeah, I know. Keep dreaming :-))
			  Dance at the very end of e1m8. After I kill the two barons, I jump down, push the switch, run arount the stairs and then perform the dance. Then I run up the stairs, enter the teleport and die...
Comments                : E2m2 - Containment area
				I know, everyone does it with the slime tunnel shortcut. So I took the trick-less (is that a real word?) route, with getting every weapon in the level (even the chainsaw). I did a mistake when instead of using the rocket launcher I kept firing my chaingun and so went low on ammo, but after getting to the plasma gun everything went smoothly again :-)
			  E4m3 - Sever the vicked
				Nothing really hard, once you get the invulnerability you're pretty safe. Dance after getting the rocket launcher, before entering the teleport.
			  E4m9 - Fear
				I still can barely believe my luck. I *loathe* playing this map on nightmare - usually when I tried it, I needed maybe hundert of attempts to reach the exit. This time, this is my very first try - and everything went as I were in heaven and not in hell. :-) Just watch it - I'm barely scratched. Dance in the little secret with the backpack, right next to the exit.
Author info             :	D1M
			and now D1I :-)

  		  Jellicles can and Jellicles do!