This is a DHT5 exam file. Its place is in the dht-exams

The DOOM Honorific Titles
Created by Frank Stajano on 1994 05 01

Josh Horwich hereby conquers the title of DOOM 2 Master.

Exam file name: D2M-JBH.ZIP
Title conquered: DOOM 2 Master
Author: Josh Horwich
Completion date: 1995 05 31
Game and version used: DOOM II v. 1.9
Log entry:
CHAL: D2M  JBH Josh Horwich               04 10 18  LFL-LLR-RLF            
    : (Josh Horwich)                            
Substitutions? NO
System used: 486/66 VLB with SoundBlaster 16
Controls used: keyboard + mouse. Config is :
         Move Forward      D
         Move Backward     C
         Turn Left         W
         Turn Right        R
         Use               SPACE
         Fire              G
         Speed On          A
         Strafe On         ALT
         Strafe Left       S
         Strafe Right      F

Free Interpretation: MAP32-UV, fist, shotgun + chaingun


    I actually finished this a few weeks ago, but now I'm finally
    uploading it. Sorry for the delay!

    MAP04 - Dance at the start. Rough beginning, but not
    difficult once I get weaponry.

    MAP10 - The hardest of my three. A long, large level with
    lots of monsters and not a lot of ammo.

    MAP18 - More of a medium than a hard, this one involves
    lots of running around to get the monsters to attack
    each other. Dance is at start.

    MAP32 - My free interpretation. Dance at beginning.
    I figure everyone's going to do one map32 Cyberdemon
    slaying, so I decided to include mine. After dispatching
    the Germans with my fist and invulnerability, I work
    Mr. Cyberdemon with the combat shotgun and the chaingun,
    with no hiding around pillars. And I take no damage except
    for a stray bullet at the start, leading to a 200/200 exit.

Author info:
   Doom 1 Master
   Doom 1 Speedy Gonzales
   Doom 1 Grand Master
   Doom 1 Incubus
   (And now) Doom 2 Master
   (And soon) Doom 2 Speedy Gonzales (pending uploading)