This is a DHT exam file. Its place is in the dht-exams directory.

                      The DOOM Honorific Titles
                Created by Frank Stajano on 1994 05 01

Patrick Martin hereby conquers the title of DOOM 2 Grand Master.

Exam file name          : D2GM-PBM.ZIP
Title conquered         : DOOM 2 Grand Master
Author                  : Patrick Martin  
Completion date         : 1996 07 15
Game and version used   : DOOM II v. 1.9
Log entry               : 
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
CHAL: D2GM PBM Patrick Martin             02 10 15  RLR-LFL-FFL            
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Substitutions?          : NO

Additions to base       : MAP23 (Medium)

System used             : Gateway 2000 P5-100, 16MB RAM
                           Gateway 2000 AnyKey keyboard.

Controls used           : keyboard only, default controls

Free interpretation     : Exit MAP18 immediately after suicide.

Comments                : I think I got a relatively easy triplet.
                          I made the lmps as quickly as possible.
                          I could have made some of the lmps better,
                          but I don't have much time right now, and
                          I want to fill the base before someone else

                 MAP02  : Easy as expected.  'Nuff said.

                 MAP10  : The hardest thing to do was to survive the
                          beginning of the level.  Once I got the
                          chaingun and a berserk pack, the rest of
                          the level was not too difficult, aside from
                          conserving ammo.  I ignored the chainsaw
                          because I did not want to waste time changing
                          to the fist when I want to punch someone's
                          lights out.

                 MAP15  : This is one of the easier levels in the hard set.
                          In fact, I would reclassify this level as a
                          medium level.  The key is to divide-and-conquer.

                         OUT-OF-BASE LEVEL
         MAP23 (medium) : This is my out-of-base level.  I had to choose
                          between doing this level or doing all of levels
                          in the hard set because MAP23 is the only out-
                          of-base level left.  I am somewhat surprised
                          that MAP23 is out-of-base.  It is easier than
                          MAP24 or MAP29.  The hardest part of this level
                          is exterminating all of the pain elementals.
                          All you need to do is as soon as warp into the
                          pain elemental room, shoot the wall then run
                          into the teleporter room and hide behind the
                          door.  At this point, all I need to do is to
                          wait until the lost souls eat each other and
                          the pain elementals alive.  Once all of the
                          pain elementals are destroyed, it is only
                          a matter of time to finish the level.

                         FREE INTERPRETATION
MAP18 (and some MAP19)  : MAP18 is one of my favorite levels.  I think
                          it is rather amusing to die and exit the
                          level.  I could not squeeze the full desciption
                          of the free interpretation in less than 60
                          characters.  The description should read
                          MAP18 under par on UV with -fast and -respawn,
                          exit immediately after suicide.  
                          What this lmp will show is me completing the
                          level under par after I shoot a demon at
                          point-blank range with the rocket launcher.
                          The blast will kill my player and send him
                          into the exit.  When he rematerializes in
                          MAP19, he starts only with 100% health and
                          50 bullets.  At this point, I let the player
                          die as quickly as possible.  This demostrates
                          that it is possible to exit the level dead
                          and start the next level without all the
                          goodies you have accumulated.

Author info             : I am 24 years old.  This is my first DHT-title.
                          I started playing DOOM when I tried shareware
                          DOOM last July.  Then I got DOOM II in September.
                          I have played DOOM more than any other game.
                          I also made several levels.  My levels can be
                          found in PM1523.WAD or PM2129.WAD.