This is a DHT exam file. Its place is in the dht-exams directory

                        The DOOM Honorific Titles
                Created by Frank Stajano on 1994 05 01

Terry "T-man" Dunphy hereby conquers the title of Doom 1 Tyson

Exam file name        
Title Conquered                 :Doom 1 Tyson
Author                          :Terry "T-man" Dunphy
Completion Date                 :April 25,1996
Game and version used           :Ultimate Doom ver 1.9
Log entry
CHAL: D1T TMD Terry Dunphy                      29 14 25  LLF-FFF-RFL
Substitutions                   :Nope!
System used                     :Pentium 100 with 16 megs of Ram
Controls used                   :Mouse with keyboard configured as follows:

                                 Right Click-------Move Forward
                                 Left Click--------Shoot
                                 The S Key---------Strafe Left
                                 The D Key---------Run
                                 The F Key---------Strafe Right

Free interpretation             :I did E1M8 Tyson style, not hard at all, but
                                 it is classified as a hard, I finish it with
                                 very high health and armour

Comments                        :This was a hard title to obtain, but the only
                                 reason I found it hard was trying to find and
                                 out of base level. Here are the stats:


An easy level, there wasn't much too it, all you have to do is dodge a lot of
shots and get the enemies to fight each other. I came pretty close to going
under par in this recording.


               Time taken: 3:02 min     Par time: 2:50 min

This stage wasn't too bad. I found it pretty easy, the only hard thing about
it is that there is no berserk pack so there is a lot of long punching scenes
in this lmp.


               Time taken: 11:59 min    Par time: 1:30 min

This is a cool lmp to watch, there is one thing you have to keep in mind when
you are watching this recording, I have tried this stage about 10 times before
this recording and I am starting to get pissed off. I get off to a bad start
so I turn into "Panic mode". I run like crazy thinking I am going to die any
second but I finished the stage. Another thing to keep in mind is that since
I went into panic mode, I completely screwed up my route so sometimes certain
enemies surprise me. I was reduced to 8% health in this lmp.


              Time taken: 18:37 min     Par time: 1:30

This is my out of base level, I had a hell of a time with this one, I made a
recording yesterday and I finished the stage but I forgot my "dance", I was
so pissed off, It is a long lmp but I think I did a good job in it, I have to
fight 3 barons of hell with my fists, it is not pretty.

I would classify this stage as a medium.

              Time taken: 21:40 min     Par time: 6:00 min
                                E1M8 (free)

I saw that E1M8 was classified as a hard and I decided to try it, I wanted
to do it without taking a hit, but the last baron at the end just barely hits
me, it is not a hard level.

Well overall this was a fun bunch of lmp's I recorded, it wasn't easy i'll
tell you that, well now I am off to do my Doom 2 tyson, wish me luck!


Terry "T-man" Dunphy