This is a DHT4 exam file. Its place is in the doom/dht-exams directory.

                      The DOOM Honorific Titles

                Created by Frank Stajano on 1994 05 01

Jonas Andersson hereby conquers the title of DOOM 1 Tyson.

Exam file name          : D1T-JAG.ZIP

Title conquered         : DOOM 1 Tyson

Author                  : Jonas Andersson   

Completion date         : 1995 03 27

Game and version used   : DOOM v1.9

Log entry               : 

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

CHAL: D1T  JAG Andersson, Jonas           29 17 13  RFF-FFL-LRF            

    :          Jonas Andersson <>                      

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Substitutions?          : NO

System used             : 486/66 VLB with SB16

Controls used           : Keyboard only. The default settings.

Free interpretation     : E3M6 at UV with 100% Kills and 100% Secrets. 

                          Showing that no level is to hard if you know

                          how to do it.

Additions to the base   : E2M3

Comments                : E1M3 - Not too hard if you can spare the ammo in the

                                 beginning and avoid taking to much damage.

                                 Once you've found the chaingun and the boxes

                                 of ammo there really are no problems. 

                                 Finninshing with 200% Health and 200% Armor.

                                 The dance is in the beginning.

                          E1M7 - The hard part is the beginnig, but when you've

                                 picked up the backpack and the box of bullets

                                 you're problems are over. The dance is in the


                          E2M3 - My out-of-base level. The key to making this

                                 is getting the bezerk as soon as possible,

                                 without taking too much damage in the process.

                                 The dance is right before I take the blue key.

                                 This should be ranked as a Medium level.

                          E2M9 - This was the easiest of them all. The dance 

                                 is in the 'baron room' after a couple of turns

                                 in the 'cacodemon room'. For my DOOM 1 Master

                                 exam I did this too, 100% Kills with only

                                 the pistol.

                          FREE - E3M6 with 100% Kills, 100% Secrets, 200%

                                 Health and 190% Armor (don't ask me why I

                                 didn't get 200% Armor, because I don't know

                                 why. Some mysterious force did some damage to

                                 me while walking around in the lava even 

                                 though I had a rad suit on. The dance is after

                                 killing the first sargeant.

Author info             : Have completed all the basic and advanced titles!

                          The only one who's done this before me as I know of

                          is Phidias N. Bourlas. (D1??-PNB).

                          I have to disagree with Phidias that Tyson is the

                          hardest of them all, I think it's Incubus, especially

                          now when all the easy levels have been taken as the

                          out-of-base ones. I think that Tyson still have some

                          room for additions to the base (I had some promising

                          tries on E2M6).

                          Now with all these titles out of the way I can 

                          concentrate on QUAKE!.WAD. A new set of deathmatch

                          levels for DOOM that me and some friends are

                          constructing (I do the most of the constructing and

                          they help with the play-testing :-). Should appear

                          on soon.

                          If you have any comments on any of my exams, or just

                          comments in general, feel free to drop me a line at
