This is a DHT exam file. Its place is in the dht-exams directory.

                      The DOOM Honorific Titles
                Created by Frank Stajano on 1994 05 01

Sam Stephens hereby conquers the title of DOOM 1 Speedy Gonzales.

Exam file name          :
Title conquered         : DOOM 1 Speedy Gonzales
Author                  : Sam John Stephens
Completion date         : 1995 09 13
Game and version used   : Ultimate Doom v1.9
Log entry               : 
CHAL: D1SG SJS Sam John Stephens          32 33 37  RLF-RRL-LFL            
Substitutions?          : NO
System used             : 486DX2/66 VLB, ESS688 Audiodrive, Trident 9400
Controls used           : Keyboard & mouse with
                          S: Run     D: Left     R: Foward     F: Back
                          G: Right
                          and all other keys as normal
Free interpretation     : E1M2 on nightmare under par (0:59)
Comments                :

  lmp    level     skill      health armour kills items secrets time par
e3m2-hmp e3m2  Hurt Me Plenty   70%     0%    0%   20%     0%   0:25 0:45
e3m3-hmp e3m3  Hurt Me Plenty   49%   157%    0%    0%     0%   0:48 1:30
e3m7-hmp e3m7  Hurt Me Plenty  100%   100%   25%    0%    25%   1:41 2:45
free     e1m2  Nightmare        18%    18%   33%   11%    33%   0:59 1:15

I was quite suprised to find out that e3m7 is in the hard section. It's about
as easy as the other two levels. All that is needed is a small amount of
planning. No nasty confrontations with large amounts of creatures as in the
other levels I did, except for the flocks of Demons, which were fairly easy
to avoid. e3m3 & e3m2 were both fairly trivial. On e3m2 the only problem is
wading your way through the flaming skulls at the exit. On e3m3 jumping down
from the blue armour is a bit of a pain, as is the last room of imps. I did
e1m2 as my free as, even though it is very easy, on nightmare getting par is
a bit more of a challenge. The chaingun is a necessity, as in the last couple
of rooms the shotgun is not fast enough to deal with the baddies
before they deal with you.

Author info             : Samuel John Stephens
                          Born 14/7/1977 in New Zealand
                          Computer science student at Massey University,
                           New Zealand
                          "It's my wife, and it's my life"
                             - Velvet Underground