This is a DHT exam file. Its place is in the dht-exams directory.

                      The DOOM Honorific Titles
                Created by Frank Stajano on 1994 05 01

Alvin "Viper" Chee hereby conquers the title of Doom I Speedy Gonzales.

Exam file name          : D1SG-AVC.ZIP
Title conquered         : DOOM I Speedy Gonzales
Author                  : Alvin "Viper" Chee
Completion date         : 1996 02 05
Game and version used   : DOOM I v. 1.9
Log entry               :D1SG AVC Alvin "Viper" Chee         25 14 37  RLR-FRR-RRF
Substitutions?          : N/A
System used             : Pentium133 PCI with SB16
Controls used           : keyboard only, with SPACE exchanged with ALT
Free interpretation     : E1M7 (hardest set) under par
Comments                : Its been a long time since I played Doom I,
                          but after playing Doom II, its too easy now.
                          I just took less than half an hour to do
                          all these lmps, and didn't bother trying to get
                          better scores. Its no kick, maybe D2SG will be
                          more challenging.
                          E1M4: Lets see, kill the first sargeant you see,
                          run up the stairs to grab the blue key, kill the
                          4 sargeants guarding the blue door, run directly
                          towards the yellow key, and wham thats it.
                          E1M7: This is my free interpretation, and its an
                          under par for a level from the hardest set. I guess
                          the main part of this is to know exactly where all
                          the keys are, and to kill only those monsters
                          blocking your way, no tricks up my sleeve for this
                          E2M5: No tricks about this one, just run for the
                          exit to the secret level.
                          E3M7: This was no peaceful start, but I still
                          managed to do my authentication dance before I
                          died. Anyway, the hardest part about this one,
                          is remebering which teleport to go to next,
                          once you got that one beat, everything else is
Author info             : Don't look here, download my Doom I Tyson and
                          Doom II Tyson files!