This is a DHT exam file. Its place is in the dht-exams directory. The DOOM Honorific Titles Created by Frank Stajano on 1994 05 01 Colin McConnell hereby conquers the title of Doom 1 Master! Exam file name : D1M-CJM.ZIP Title conquered : DOOM 1 Master Author : Colin McConnell Completion date : 1996 08 15 Game and version used : DOOM I v. 1.9 (Ultimate Doom) Log entry : CHAL: D1M CJM Colin McConnell 31 35 19 RFR-FLL-RLF Colin McConnell <> Substitutions? : NO System used : 486/66, 8 Meg, SVGA, Logitech Trackball (3 button), Soundblaster Controls used : keyboard + mouse, with keys redefined as follows: Forward = E, Left = S, Right = D, Back = X, Strafe Left = A, Strafe Right = F, LMB = Fire, MMB = Forward, RMB = Use free interpretation : E3M8-UV All the monsters killed each other, except for one Cacodemon, and the Spider Master Mind. I've always found the Spider Demon difficult to defeat. I didn't go for polish or anything fancy, just took the first successful run to show my style. Comments : E3M1 - The dance follows the death of the three imps at the beginning. E3M5 - I had a lot of trouble with this one because I kept getting kicked out when the LMP file got too big. I had to set the -MAXDEMO parameter to 1024 to end this frustration. E1M9 - I did the dance right at the beginning. It seemed like the quickest way to get a shotgun. Author info : I've been playing DooM since the first day the shareware was available by anonymous FTP. It certainly qualifies as an addiction because I play (1) at inappropriate times, (2) when I know I should be doing something else and (3) I have "just one more time..." syndrome really bad. I have no intention of seeking help.