This is a DHT exam file. Its place is in the dht-exams directory.

				  The DOOM Honorific Titles
			 Created by Frank Stajano on 1994 05 01

William W Cayton (Wade) hereby conquers the title of DOOM 1 GrandMaster.

Exam file name          : D1GM-WWC.ZIP
Title conquered         : DOOM 1 GrandMaster
Author                  : William W Cayton (Wade)
Completion date         : 1996 03 30
Game and version used   : DOOM 1 v1.9 Ultimate Doom
Log entry               : 
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
CHAL: D1GM WWC William W Cayton (Wade)      31 16 17  RFL-RFR-RLF
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Substitutions?     : None
Additions to base  : E2m7 (medium,maybe hard???)

System used        : P/75, 16MB, with SB compatible

Controls used      : Logitech trackman marble:

			      A ...Run
			      W ... strafe left
			      R ... strafe right
			      E ... Back
			  SPACE ... Use 

Free interpretation: E1m5-NM

Comment:       E3m1: This was a pretty simple level.I believe pistol whipping
                     the cacs and imps at the begining is probably the best
                     move because it allows you to have more s-gun shells at 
                     the end,where you really need them.
                     *dance after I wax everything at the beginning*

	       E1m6: Fun level to do,lots of room to run and gun.The end can
                     be a little touchy,use caution when shooting the spectras
                     with rockets,those fast bastards get all in your face.
                     I also had this level for D1m and ran it for fastest 
                     100% kills & secrets in COMPET-N,check it out if you
                     get a chance.*dance in the room with the red key*

	       E1m7: This was a good challenging level.The start is the key,if  
                     you can make it to the yellow door with 50% plus in health,
                     the rest is not so bad.Those S-GUN totin " bastards " dont
                     play when using the -fast setting.This was another level 
                     that I completed for COMPET-N.

	       E2m7: " My out of base level" this was one of two left when my 
                       challenge was issued.

                       This is another quick start level,your main objective,
                       get to the shotgun as fast as possible.The room with
                       all the deamons can be a little tricky,once you go 
                       down the steps wait a couple of secs.,then run like
                       hell to get the invulnerability,you'll need it.The
                       invulnerabilities help take the sting out of this
                       level.* dance on boxes in room with all the deamons*

	      Free Interpretation: E1m5-NM
	                With all the great FREE lmps out there,I couldn't think            
                        of anything else that needed to be added to them,so I
                        chose this level.The reason,this is probably one of the 
                        hardest levels there is and to do it on a NM setting
                        makes for one hell of a challenge.Hope you enjoy!
                        "although a tad sloppy,overall not bad"

Author Info:            " Addicted with out a doubt "

                          Alyhough I'm new to the game,I've been able to progress
                          rather qiuckly thanks to the help of some good friends.
                          I started playing about 6 months ago and would never 
                          have believed that I would be doing the things that I
                          am able to do today.Thanks to Id for a great game and
                          to my pals Blake,Chris,for all the DMatching and countless
                          hours of playing.


Author info