This is a DooM .LMP "Competition" Entry - Please forward it... LV13-208.TXT LV13-208.ZIP LV13-208.LMP - UltraViolence Recorded using Doom2 Version 1.9 Doom2 -PlayDemo with Version 1.9 Doom2 - Level 13 - "DownTown" Kills 28% (Items 13) Secrets 0% and Time 02:08 ----- Description :-) Hi S. [ ;-) ] Widlake! [ Hi Istvan! :-) ] I just saw your lmp, and I decided to run again on this level. [ Not bad, Istvan :-) ] [ Keep those lines down - 65 characters, tops ------------------| ] This level was my first entry on COMPET-N (it was only one sec under par). I have played this level on "NightMare!" too - and after NightMare! it's much easier! Why didn't I use your route before ? Because of those damn ... ravenants. They were always waiting me at the "corner", so I could not jump on it ... This time you can see an invulnerable imp ... (3 shots to it's head from 1mm.) and a stickey elevator. I think it's possible under 2 minutes - try to prove it. I also include the NightMare! run (like a "free" interpretation). Sorry about the LV13-229.BAT - but it is only the single bit different, this time I paid more attention. [ Yeah, ONLY 1 second :-) "on NightMare! too" :-) Not bad, ... only the Eighth time I've seen that :-) Guess who did these previous ones :-) But it does not make "Just-FAST" THAT much more easy :-) "Why ... " :-) Oh ? :-) "invulnerable imp" :-) Ah ! :-) "under 2 mins" :-) Done NOW :-) Sorry, I don't take "free" .LMP's - DEL NM13-336.LMP ;-( <GRIN> ;-) "one bit" ? ? LV13-229 cf. LV13-249 - OKay, ONE BIT :-) Cheers, S.;-) ] Controls used: keyboard only (all defaults) [ Get yourself a mouse !! :-) ] System used: DX2-66/8M ram/S3 video card [ Get yourself a P5/90 !! :-) ] Istvan Pataki PS: my name is not Istavan !! :) [ I'm very sorry about that !! :-) Corrected !!! ]