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  200-NM16.LMP - NightMare!

  Recorded using Doom2 Version 1.9
  Doom2 -PlayDemo with Version 1.9

  Doom2 - Level 16 - "Suburbs"

  Kills     24%
  (Items    40)
  Secrets   75%  and Time  02:25

  Maximum Minimum Health =  200 %

  Description :-)

  "MAP16-NM untouched" is not too hard as soon as the right
  strategy is developed. But pure luck is required to cross
  the green slime (before getting the blue key) without any

  I claim 200% because S.;-) has authorized that the
  minimum health counts not from the beginning but
  *from the moment you first get hurt*.

 Anton V. Magleli

[  Admin. Note :-)  Yep, " Maximum Minimum Health =  200 % "

   Although the methods of "scoring" M.M.H may well change
   from level to level ( depending on each of the maps ;-)

   200% & NO Damage is a WIN - on any method - Well Done !

S.;-) aka. The "Judge". ]