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  30UV5713.LMP - Ultra Violence

  This is a Compet-n/Doom2/MOVIE Entry...

  Recorded using Doom2 Version 1.9
  Doom2 -PlayDemo with Version 1.9 - Only
  DooM II - "Episode 1,2 and 3" - "The real DOOM ][ movie"

				Kills Items Secrets     TIME!  Health Armour

  LV 01 entryway              -    3%    0%    0%       0" 08     (100   0)
  LV 02 underhalls            -   72%   40%  100%       1" 20     ( 77 159)
  LV 03 the gantlet           -   42%   22%  100%       0" 54     (100 117)
  LV 04 the focus             -   65%   55%   33%       1" 11     ( 89  89)
  LV 05 the waste tunnels     -   42%   33%   33%       1" 30     (100  14)
  LV 06 the crusher           -   72%   17%  100%       4" 08     ( 80  89)
  LV 07 dead simple           -  100%   66%  100%       1" 49     (190 190)
  LV 08 tricks and traps      -   37%   60%   28%       1" 49     (200 190)
  LV 09 the pit               -   37%   34%    0%       2" 02     (135 130)
  LV 10 refueling base        -    8%   26%   16%       0" 49     ( 93 112) 
  LV 11 circle of death       -   74%   52%    0%       2" 18     (100 157)
  LV 12 the factory           -   10%    0%    0%       1" 06     ( 64 108)
  LV 13 downtown              -   32%   14%    0%       2" 21     (100  81)
  LV 14 inmost dens           -   67%    0%    0%       1" 48     ( 94 117)
  LV 15 industrial zone       -   11%   12%   18%       0" 54     (100  68)
  LV 31 wolfenstein           -   42%   37%   50%       1" 14     ( 99  47)
  LV 32 grosse                -  100%  100%   83%       1" 17     (200 200)
  LV 16 suburbs               -   11%   20%    0%       0" 45     (197 198)
  LV 17 tenements             -   81%   64%    0%       5" 50     (185  11)
  LV 18 the courtyard         -    2%   36%    0%       0" 34     (200 125)
  LV 19 the citadel           -   20%   58%   22%       1" 42     (189 198)
  LV 20 gotcha!               -   28%   37%   28%       1" 31     (200 138)
  LV 21 nirvana               -   56%   50%    0%       1" 29     (194 196)
  LV 22 the catacombs         -   66%   71%  100%       1" 42     (145 116)
  LV 23 barrels o' fun        -   36%   40%   50%       1" 28     (193 192)
  LV 24 the chasm             -    5%    0%    0%       2" 09     (165 166)
  LV 25 bloodfalls            -   72%   50%   50%       2" 09     (140 150)
  LV 26 the abandoned mines   -   45%   36%   50%       1" 33     (114 143)
  LV 27 monster condo         -   36%    8%   12%       2" 51     (200 100)
  LV 28 the spirit world      -   18%   16%   14%       1" 05     (200 200)
  LV 29 the living end        -   83%   88%    0%       4" 33     ( 72 124)
  LV 30 icon of sin           - 1000%   16%    0%       1" 14     (183 187)

					 Total Time =  42" 913
						       42" +
						       15"  13
					 TOTAL TIME =  57"  13
				       (gross time: 1h  7"  28s)


 The waiting is over. Here it is:

       "The real DOOM ][ movie"

 This is a full recording of all DOOM ][ maps in Ultra Violence as one 
 big LMP. After two years of DOOM and one year of DOOM ][ experience 
 this was the last challenge.

 I tried by no means to complete each level in the shortest possible time.
 My aim was only to survive up to the last level.

 There doesn't exist a "DOOM Honourific Title" for such a recording but I think 
 DOOM ][ Terminator (D2T) would suit me fine.

 Watch instructions:

  Give your girl friend (or boy friend, this depends on you) a day off. 
  Lock the door, switch on your answer phone and dim the light. 
  Grab your coke and chips, lean back in the armchair and pump up the volume.
  Start 30uv5713.bat. 
  After one hour 7 minutes and 28 seconds give the record to your friends.

 Uwe Girlich                November 1995