This is a DooM .LMP "Competition" Entry - Please forward it...



  LV29-632.LMP - Ultra Violence

  Recorded using Doom2 Version 1.9
  Doom2 -PlayDemo with Version 1.9

  Doom2 - Level 29 - The Living End

  Kills    100%
  (Items    96)
  Secrets    0%  and Time  06:32  (Par = 05:00)

  Description :-)

  It seems people don't like writing long COMPET-N text files. However I do.
  So if you don't want to read it, don't, but otherwise, I'll bore you to

  I'll split this text file to comments about the different aspects of this
  entry as it is quite an unusual one.

  Comments about me
  It seems I disappeared a bit from COMPET-N... I was focused on The Final
  DooM and Quake, sorry... Anyway I felt it's time to do this entry and that
  I did.

  This is my first try so the demo is very imperfect - I don't know the
  route too good and I do stupid stuff etc.. Also near the beginning two
  friends came, that's the pause though I ran unpause on this lmp to remove
  most of it. It's not even near a second so I hope it doesn't disqualify
  this entry.

  Anyway they also disturbed me in some other parts resulting in stupid

  Comments about the level
  This is an awesome level, definitely my favorite in Doom2 maybe with 2 or
  3 more levels. It is built really great, full of action, lots of fun and
  even a fun challenge. So it's not completely by chance that I picked this

  Comments about the route
  Ok, this is the main thing. I would have never beaten Daniel's excellent
  entry lv29-651 with this pathetic lmp that's a 1st try without this huge
  route improvement. What is it? you ask. Well, I use Jonathan Hoof's
  cyberdeath method to save about a minute from the lmp by not killing the
  cyberdemon and killing the same sergeant three times instead. Before you
  start calling me "chicken" etc., note that in, my DooM 2 lmp
  collection, I killed the cyberdemon the way real men do it, on the
  platform, no skipping, no tricks, no nothing. This route is just to save
  time and plasma.

  Since this route is like pressing switches from below etc., and since
  levels like e2m2 have two entries - one for the normal route and one for
  switch-tricks, I would suggest that Daniel's entry of 6:51 will still
  remain 1st and this one will be counted as an alternative route, since
  frankly I don't think this one is better than lv29-651.

  If you still think I'm a chicken, watch my lv29 lmp from dm2full.

  Comments about the lmp
  It is not a good lmp. I don't deny it. It's the first time I played DooM
  today and there are some serious screwups, also the health goes up and
  down very quickly, which can be amusing by itself... naah.

  Anyway go ahead and do better than that. You won't find it difficult.

  Special thanks
  To Peo Sjoblom for bringing this level to my attention...

  If you think you can do Final DooM lmps, contact me.

 Yonatan Donner