This is a DooM .LMP "Competition" Entry - Please forward it...



  0925UV01.LMP - Ultra Violence

  This is a Compet-N/Doom2/10LVS Entry...

  Recorded using Doom2 Version 1.9 !
  Doom2 -PlayDemo with Version 1.9 - Only

  DooM II - "Episode 1" - Levels 01 thru' 10

            Kills Items Secrets And  TIME!!  Health Armour

  LV 01  -      0%    0%    0%       0" 08    (100   0)
  LV 02  -     60%   45%  100%       1" 07    ( 43 117)
  LV 03  -     29%   22%  100%       0" 41    (110 154)
  LV 04  -     56%   55%   33%       0" 57    ( 31   4)
  LV 05  -     22%   33%    0%       0" 47    ( 20  94)
  LV 06  -     36%    5%   66%       1" 31    ( 69  85)
  LV 07  -    100%   66%  100%       1" 11    ( 85  73)
  LV 08  -     24%   60%    0%       0" 47    (185  75)
  LV 09  -     35%   23%    0%       1" 33    ( 92  99)
  LV 10  -     10%   19%   16%       0" 43    ( 14  21)

                     Total Time =    4" 325
                                     4" +
                                     5" 25
                     TOTAL TIME =   09" 25

  Description :-)

  Some weeks ago I said I won't give a 'under-10-minutes' LMP a try.
  But as usual (after being beaten by Daniel), I tried and tried and
  after some days I made this LMP. I compared it with Daniel's 10LVS
  run and I guess after 5 levels the time is equal - one second here,
  another there. Our times always differ by seconds, depending on how
  "risky" the levels are played, what weapons, and how much ammo are
  used. My clear advantage was level 9. I played it 8 seconds faster
  than Daniel. Anyway I'm sure that Daniel will also give it another
  try. ( And I, of course, will be back. :-) At the time of writing
  this, there's a LV06-111 (!!) entry in the incoming directory. Me,
  I am capable of playing level 6 in 1:21 - I thought 1:15 would be
  possible) So maybe there will be a LMP under 9 (!) minutes, by one
  (or both) of us.

  (OOf, what a long .TXT :-)
