This is a DooM .LMP "Competition" Entry - Please forward it... E3M6s009.TXT E3M6s009.ZIP E3M6s009.LMP - Ultra Violence Recorded using "The Ultimate DooM" DooM -PlayDemo with Ultimate DooM OR DooM -PlayDemo with DooM Ver. 1.9 (?) DooM - Ep.3 Mi.6 - Mt. Erebus - Secret Exit - Kai's Qool Route Kills 2% (Items 0) Secrets 0% and Time 00:09 ----- Description :-) Qool route, Kai! ;-) But you're right, you could have pressed the button earlier ... anyway, I desperately tried to get it done in only 8 seconds, but one packet of cigarettes later I decided it's impossible. For this particular .LMP, CooLMP -LastUse gives 9.97, and I only managed to cut it down to 9.25 twice ... feel free to prove me wrong though - if (read: *IF* :-) it's possible in 0:08, then Kai is the one who deserves it IMHO, for finding this route; and I'd consider it an honour to be beaten by him! ;-) BTW did I mention that I was pretty pissed off after recording my E3M6s016.LMP (The Rocket Route), only to find an E3M6s011 entry in the new Current.TAB the next day?! That wouldn't have happened if Jeff (he's cleared out the /incoming a tad more often ... (hint, hint! ;-) JEEEEEEEEEEEEFFFFFFFFFFFFF!!!!! [ .BAT stuff snipped for briefness - it was getting old anyway! ] Thomas aka ZlatkO ThE GoDFatheR [ Admin. Note :-| Let us NOT get too angry at Mr. Lmps because he has got rather a lot to look after and these delays can actually be a "good thing" if you're in a D?I or D?GM "race" to get those all important Out-of-Base DHT levels... This was a "pet-peeve" between Thomas and Myself that should not have spilled out here... "Naughty Thomas" </Me slaps ZlatkO> ;-) Anyway, it WOULD have happened in just the same way because that other .LMP would still have been submitted earlier. So There ;-) Remember that WithOUT Mr. Lmps there would NOT be a Compet-N AND the DHT-exams area would be even more of a MESS [ but the less I write about that that, the better... ;-) ] Keep up the good work Jeff. BIG :-) S.;-) aka. The "Judge". ]