Title                 : The Dome of Czech Doom Guru
                          - The Ultimate Deathmatch Level for Heretic from CZ
Author                : Pavel Hodek
Files                 : GURUDOME.ZIP (WAD, TXT)
Email Address         : xhodp03@st.vse.cz
Finger info           : xhodp03@manes.vse.cz
Tel.                  : +42 (325) 972 234
Misc. Author Info     : Doom Guru from the former Czechoslovakia
                        still playing (and preferring) Doom....

Other wads by me      : GALAXIA.WAD - The Ultimate Czech Level for Doom
                        H2HCZEK1-4.WAD - H2H Czech Series
                                       - deathmatch/solo/co-op wads for Doom II
                                         (some of them also in Doom I versions)
                        H2HCZAR1-3.WAD - H2H Czech Arena Series
                                       - smaller altdeath arenas for Doom II
                        MASO.WAD - mikrodeathmatch level for Doom I, II
                                 - very fast action
                        and some other unreleased stuff.
                        Finger me ...

Description           : My first wad for Heretic. Whenever we deathmatched on
                        the original maps, I always felt like a Pacman.
                        We played Doom too much and can't get used to spells.
                        So I constructed this map. It is a very heterogeneous
                        environment but I think it looks good. I meant it to be
                        spell-free and we like it that way. However I placed
                        some spells for the rest of you who like them on
                        skill 4,5 (see below). It was built for deathmatch but
                        I added some monsters for enjoyment of lonely solo
                        players or co-op lovers.

NOTE                  : When you play solo, several walls and shut windows that
                        don't appear in deathmatch will make your way to exit
                        more linear. I should also make a note about two exits.
                        The exit in solo/co-op game is .... you will see.
                        The deathmatch exit switch is located in the
                        northernmost part of the level and the access lift is
                        marked with a red cross on the wall.
                        When you deathmatch, you cannot access the solo-exit
                        and when you play solo/co-op, you cannot access the
                        deathmatch exit. Clear?

To explore the terrain before deathamtch, you MUST start like this:

heretic -file gurudome.wad -warp 2 1 -skill 3(4,5) -deathmatch -nomonsters

                        YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE.....
* Play Information *

Episode and Level #   : E2M1 (Heretic)
Single Player         : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player: Yes
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes !!! built for this (GREAT FOR 2 PLAYERS!!!!)
                             - tested with serial link connection
Difficulty Settings   : Yes: solo/co-op: number of monsters
                             deathmatch: skill 1,2 - weapons only
                                         skill  3  -  + wings
                                         skill 4,5   - + 2 tomes of power
                                         1 egg, 1 ch.device, 1 more crystal v.
                             feel free to modify it...
New Sounds            : No
New Graphics          : No
Demos Replaced        : No

* Construction *

Base           : from scratch
Build Time     : from the first vertex to zipping 4 month. The real buildtime
                 could be around 30 hours?
Editors used   : HEU, HEEP, BSP, TED, NWT, DEUTEX

* Copyright / Permissions *

Authors may use this level as a base to build additional
levels. However you should mention the original level and my name.
Thank you. Also if it is possible, share your version with me.

You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications.  You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file 
intact and keep the original name of the archive and its files.
If you intend to place this on CDs, please, ask for permission first.
This is called "good behaviour".

* Where to get this WAD *

FTP: ftp.cdrom.com + its mirrors - finger me for latest info!
Usenet: alt.binaries.doom

Hey! If you like my wads, why don't you spend a few cents and send me
a postcard? You will make me happy and our postman will have bugs in head
that I receive such an exotic mail :)
E-mail would be nice too. I love flooded mailboxes.
I welcome all comments and ideas!

       Pavel Hodek
       Cechova 689
289 22 Lysa nad Labem

C Z E C H   R E P U B L I C