Title                   : VENOM
Filename                : venom.wad, venom.txt
Date Finished           : march 28, 1998
Developer               : Ola Bjorling
Email Address           : ola@techno.org
                          PLEASE mail me your comments! I love mail about
                          my levels.
Other Releases          : TANTRUM      
                          TALOSIAN (did map08)
                          THE DARKENING (did some graphics)
                          more coming soon, keep looking in /newstuff
                          Also, GOTHIC DM 2 will have some graphics by me,
                          as will Mordeth 2 & 3. None of those are released
                          when writing this.
Misc. Developer Info    : 19 years old (born 1979), from Sweden,
                          heavily into techno music and computer graphics.
                          No new graphics in this WAD though.
Description             : Quite similar to the theme of most Ultimate DOOM
                          E4 levels. As always loads of cool lighting,
                          traps and state-of-the-art architecture.
                          This is my finest piece of DOOM level art to date,
                          without a doubt.
                          HOWEVER, this is a linear level. Sorry all lovers
                          of non-linear maps out there, but you might just
                          enjoy it anyway.
                          This is a HARD level. Hard and big. You'll
                          probably want to save quite a lot, and this
                          is the kind of level you only play once I think.
                          A bit like the Eternal levels, but perhaps not
                          quite as enormous. VERY detailed though.

Additional Credits to   : * Jeff Rabenhurst for the incredibly nice EdMap
                          * id for DOOM and its sequels
                          * UrHash for picking on me enough to ever finish
                            this level :)
                          * UrHash (again) , Nick Baker and Chrozoron for
                          * All my friends in real life for being... er..
                            well, friends.
* Play Information *

Map #                   : MAP01 (DOOM2)
Single Player           : Yes
Cooperative             : Yes, not tested but should be a blast!
                          If anyone want to help testing ammo balance
                          for coop, drop me a line.
Deathmatch              : No, didn't add any starts.
Difficulty Settings     : Yes, all should be equally fun I hope
                          Skill 1&2 are for poor shooters - loads of ammo.
New Sounds              : No
New Music               : No
New Graphics            : No
Demos Replaced          : None

This is just 400309 bytes of pure level!

* Construction *

Base                    : New level from scratch
Build Time              : On and off for about a year :-)
                          I'd guess 200-300 hours or something, including
Editor(s) used          : EdMap 1.40  <- I just love it
                          EdMap 1.31  <- Uses less memory, enabled me to
                                         build this huge fucker. Used for
                                         the last 15% of the level.
                          WARM 1.6    <- started with this one
                          BSP 2.2     <- used during 70% of the time
                          BSP 2.3     <- used for final build
Known Bugs              : I was able to produce a visplane overflow once,
                          but I guess I fixed it somehow.
                          There are a few misaligned textures too,
                          but I'm too lazy to fix it :-)
                          Otherwise no bugs. Please report any you can find.
May Not Run With...     : wolf3d.exe

* Where to get this WAD *

FTP sites: