The Tower  v3d
				  for  DII 
     -All extra textures have been removed. This is sure to improve the
      wads performance.

     -Most of my extra resources have been removed to save space and time. 
      guaranteed to be 1/2 the fat!

Title                   :The Tower
Filename                :thetower.wad
Author                  :D.Rhodd
Email Address  
Description             :The armoured bunker at Ibal Usiom has been over-run
			 by the usual assortment of space demons and undead.
			 Only you can take it back. 

Game                    : DOOM II 
Episode and Level #     : E1M1
Single Player           : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player  : Can be done.
Deathmatch 2-4 Player   : Yes
Difficulty Settings     : Yes
New Sounds              : Yes
New Graphics            : Yes (no sprites or flats)
New Music               : No 
Demos Replaced          : None, you can grab demos from, 
                                      send me yours.

Base                    :New level from scratch
Editor(s) used          :DCK, NWT, RMB

     Commonly refered to as The Tower this outpost has many secrets hidden 
  within and a complex system of teleporters for accessing areas both inside 
  and out. Try to stay out of the moat.The weapons and ammo are INSIDE the 
      In addition to the changes listed above: The textures all look nice now 
      and the items have been tweaked .


 Additional Credits to   :r.brasseaux, d.erickson, j.slivinski, k.perkins